DiscoBytez V.2.5.1. Application Center

Hey Wizard, I have updated DiscoBytez today! This version will allow you to edit and remove questions at ease! https://www.roblox.com/games/6106785089/DiscoBytez-V3-Open-Source-Application-Center

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Great job!

I’ll be sure to use this when I open up my groups again :D.

Maybe in V4, you can add multiple applications.

groupid [Number] [Rank] = Can only see Level-0 Application
groupid [Number] [Rank] = Can only see Level-1 Application

You should make it work off a point system and multi choice things so that people can link it into their auto rank API’s!

Anyone who is having problems with Discobytez, for some reason Discord isn’t working. The temporary workaround will be to use Guilded. Guilded webhooks are also backwards compatible with Discord ones, so no changes are needed to Discobytez.

As ROBLOX banned Discord webhooks, is there any other way to make the application center work?

We are working on a fix, but there is nothing built into the DiscoBytez system at the moment.

For now, you can try and setup a proxy. If you search for “discord webhook proxy” on devforum, you will find quite a bit.

We should have this fix published shortly, hang tight.