[Disconnected Project] EZ Anchor Plugin

Hi, I’ll no longer work on EZ Anchor plugin since people don’t like it that much.
Thank you all for commenting…
I’ll be only working on this Plugin
EZ Leaderstats

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Dont let other people bring you down, if you like it keep working on it.

That’s fine to me, I didn’t really put much effort into the plugin since it was easy to make…
and I agree with people…
There is no any ways to fix the major problems of these stuff.
and also there are alot of auto anchor plugins.
Thank you for commenting to :slight_smile:


You could do it using the output, something like this for an example: for _,v in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA(“BasePart”) then v.Anchored = true end end

or you could anchor the workspace.

That’s what I implied at first, “Select every part”