Disconnecting a player with the Please check your internet and try again

Is it possible to disconnect a player and the error message is “Please check your internet connection and try again.”? I want to have a golden freddy jumpscare in my fnaf game and in the original game, it just closes fnaf if your jumpscared by him. However I think faking disconnecting a players internet would be extremely scary! Is this possible?

I mean if your looking to recreate that from the original Five Nights at Freddy’s, probs the most common thing that can come to my head is a simple plr:Kick(“Type the internet disconnected message here”) command. It would probably be the closest you can get to kind of recreating this that I can think of. Hoping this helps you out!

You could create a copy of the connection lost screen with a blur & then make that run with a while true do loop if that makes any sense?

But I’m not sure if this thing as a whole is bad UX. And as for when the script resumes you could just kick them normally but I’m not sure if this kind of thing would make players want to come back?

Do you want it to actually kick the player or be a fake message?

To kick the player you can do like @w4570 said: player:Kick(“Please check your internet connection and try again.”)

To send a fake message you can just do a UI that looks very similar to the kick message and when you press the “Leave” button, just set it to “Visible = false”

I proposed the second part but not the way of when you actually click the button. I think that UX would be significantly better than just ending the game by kicking them.

For OP, If you don’t know how to get the core UI, you can just copy it from CoreGui in studio. I can help with that if you need though.

Sorry misread that post hahaha XD

Sorry for the bump, but i just wanted to leave this here:

Roblox Disconnect Prompt (12.4 KB)

This is the disconnect UI ripped from CoreGui, so it’s (hopefully) 100% accurate.



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