About Us

Hi there! My friend and I made a group where we plan to have fun making games and hanging out, we would like to invite you to join our team where we will litteraly make any type of game. I can script pretty good so if you are a builder and you would like to make a game that requires a lot of scripts then this is a great opportunity for you!

The Team
@ENTMT - Scripter
@Dont_PlayMyGamez - Builder
@YOU?? - whatever you do

About The Job

As I said before we will make almost every type of game, if there is a game you would like to make. let us know we will probably start on that one.


We are pretty flexible with payment we would prefer paying you in percentages that way the more you do the more you get paid

Contact Us

You can contact me here on the Developer Forum if you are interested

The Group: ENTRTNMNT - Roblox

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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