Hello! I am trying to create a logging bot that works with Discord, however I have run into a problem I don’t understand:
As you can see here the hyperlink has “Location:” apart of it,
I am trying to make it so it is like
Location: Hyperlink
Here is my script:
local pfpLink = game.Players:GetUserThumbnailAsync(user.UserId, Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot, Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size48x48)
local Data = {
["content"] = "",
["embeds"] = {{
["author"] = {
["name"] = "Logged by "..user.Name,
["icon_url"] = pfpLink,
["url"] = ""
["title"] = "**Location: **"..game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId).Name,
["url"] = "https://www.roblox.com/games/"..game.PlaceId,
["description"] = "",
["color"] = tonumber(0x0cd3ff),
local newdata = httpservice:JSONEncode(Data)
httpservice:PostAsync(url, newdata)