Discord to roblox verification

Another Discord to roblox verification ft @NotA1aan

So recently me and my friend NotA1aan have made a Discord to roblox verification for a server called

PP | Poorons paradise

Now many of you might be wondering whats the point of this system?
The answer is simple, It allows us to be able to give ex: boosters ingame perks and even allow them to get roles if they own a certain item and i plan to use it for more
Q: Can't the code being public be abused
A: While yes its not really as easy as that, For the code to even be redeemed you have to redeem it on the account and while yes a user can redeem for another discord user the thing here is that they'd need to do that on purpose as the code needs to be the exact same as the account otherwise you cant do anything

If you have any questions feel free to post it below

FAQ ends here

Also if you’d like to buy the system you can msg me at 32#9999

( If you have any suggestions / feedback feel free to post it below! )
Showcase video:


This is actually a really nice system, let me know how you created one of these, I really am interested in creating one like this, I have discord.py bot so it would really interest me!

Hello!, I created this through using nodejs
I’m not sure on how discord.py could be used for this but what i did was make a api end point using express.js
pretty much it cuts down into 2 main important things
API ENDPOINT (For the game)

You will need the database to make the code and have it hold data ( Here are the ones i used )
Ownerofthecode’s roblox id
There roblox name
Used ( True or false )
and there discord id ( pretty much required )
Also another which holds the discord user’s id and holds these data:
Thier code
Ownerofthecode’s roblox id
There roblox name
verifed ( true or false )

This is the most i can say without leaking the code
i really hope this helps you and goodluck :slight_smile:

Also a ingame script that connects to the api endpoint and sends the following data

Player name, Their entered code, the player id

Alright, thank you I might implement a system like this into my bot! Thank you!

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I have made a similar bot to this a while back, here is the verify command src if u wanted to improve the system - bloxy/verify.js at main · maxhithere/bloxy · GitHub

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