I have a Overhead Gui located in ServerStorage and I have a script in ServerScriptService which controls it. In the script I have a discord webhook connection which makes it so when an allowed player (they are on the top of the script) types a command in chat it send a webhook message to my discord channel saying that he used the command. Everything is working perfectly but I have one problem, when an allowed player types that command the webhook bot sends two same message like it is duplicated. I want the bot to send only one message and not duplicated message. Please can you find a fix since I can’t find what’s wrong.
Here is the script:
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local MainGroup = 35446573
local PlayerTag = game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild("NameTag")
local allowedPlayers = {
[2752190121] = true, --Bobek858 (Borna)
[3128499514] = true, --0perator_luka
[3827173770] = true, --Nolex_3
[4325414357] = true, --nikola3222324ALT (Bojan)
[3322404474] = true, --ikfajiv2 (Marko)
[3529318487] = true, --ilkezaa2
[4128970520] = true, --ANDREJJJJYY
[4051393942] = true, --luka5957959
[3086006594] = true, --makimungos
[7169592985] = true, --HatefulVasilije
[7889586255] = true, --makimungos1 alt acc
local webhookURL = "MYWEBHOOK"
local NameTag = PlayerTag:Clone()
NameTag.Parent = character:WaitForChild("Head")
local duznostVisible = false
local duznostFrame = NameTag:WaitForChild("Duznost")
duznostFrame.Visible = false
local activationTime = nil
local deactivationTime = nil
local webhookSent = false
local function sendWebhook(status)
local groupRankName = player:GetRoleInGroup(MainGroup)
local color = status == "Activated" and 3447003 or 15158332 -- Blue for activated, Red for deactivated
local timeActivated = os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", activationTime)
local timeDeactivated = deactivationTime and os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", deactivationTime) or nil
local duration = deactivationTime and deactivationTime - activationTime or nil -- Calculate the duration if deactivated
local embed = {
["title"] = "Duznost " .. status,
["description"] = player.Name .. " " .. status:lower() .. " the duznost command.",
["color"] = color,
["fields"] = {
{ ["name"] = "Player", ["value"] = player.Name, ["inline"] = true },
{ ["name"] = "Group Rank", ["value"] = groupRankName, ["inline"] = true },
{ ["name"] = "Status", ["value"] = status, ["inline"] = true },
{ ["name"] = "Time Activated", ["value"] = timeActivated, ["inline"] = true },
if status == "Deactivated" then
table.insert(embed["fields"], { ["name"] = "Time Deactivated", ["value"] = timeDeactivated, ["inline"] = true })
if duration then
table.insert(embed["fields"], { ["name"] = "Duration", ["value"] = tostring(duration) .. " seconds", ["inline"] = true })
local data = HttpService:JSONEncode({ embeds = { embed } })
HttpService:PostAsync(webhookURL, data, Enum.HttpContentType.ApplicationJson)
-- Handle the player chat command
-- Only allowed players can use the command
if allowedPlayers[player.UserId] and message:lower() == "/e duznost" then
-- Toggle the frame visibility
duznostVisible = not duznostVisible
duznostFrame.Visible = duznostVisible
-- If the command is activated (showing the frame)
if duznostVisible then
-- Send the activation webhook only if it hasn't been sent yet
if not webhookSent then
activationTime = os.time() -- Store the activation time
sendWebhook("Activated") -- Send Webhook for activation
webhookSent = true -- Mark as sent to prevent sending again
-- If the command is deactivated (hiding the frame)
-- Send the deactivation webhook only if it's been activated
if webhookSent then
deactivationTime = os.time() -- Store the deactivation time
sendWebhook("Deactivated") -- Send Webhook for deactivation
webhookSent = false -- Reset the flag to allow the next activation
-- Set Rank and Team Name
local groupRankName = player:GetRoleInGroup(MainGroup)
NameTag.Rank.TextLabel.Text = groupRankName -- Display the group's rank name
NameTag.NamePlayer.TextLabel.Text = player.Name -- Display the player's name
-- Handle Team Name based on TeamColor
if player.TeamColor == BrickColor.new("Gold") then
NameTag.Teams.TextLabel.Text = "Civilians"
elseif player.TeamColor == BrickColor.new("Maroon") then
NameTag.Teams.TextLabel.Text = "Žandarmerija"
elseif player.TeamColor == BrickColor.new("Really black") then
NameTag.Teams.TextLabel.Text = "Zatvor"
elseif player.TeamColor == BrickColor.new("Bright blue") then
NameTag.Teams.TextLabel.Text = "Policija"
elseif player.TeamColor == BrickColor.new("White") then
NameTag.Teams.TextLabel.Text = "Menu"
elseif player.TeamColor == BrickColor.new("Really red") then
NameTag.Teams.TextLabel.Text = "Insurgents"
-- Handle icons based on rank
if player:GetRankInGroup(MainGroup) == 255 then -- Founder
NameTag.Icon.Owner.Visible = true
NameTag.Icon.Dev.Visible = true
NameTag.Icon.STAFF_ICON.Visible = true
elseif player:GetRankInGroup(MainGroup) == 254 then -- Holder
NameTag.Icon.Owner.Visible = true
NameTag.Icon.Dev.Visible = true
NameTag.Icon.STAFF_ICON.Visible = true
elseif player:GetRankInGroup(MainGroup) == 10 then -- Developer
NameTag.Icon.Dev.Visible = true
NameTag.Icon.STAFF_ICON.Visible = true
elseif player:GetRankInGroup(MainGroup) == 7 then -- Admin
NameTag.Icon.STAFF_ICON.Visible = true
else -- Member
NameTag.Icon.STAFF_ICON.Visible = false
NameTag.Icon.Owner.Visible = false
NameTag.Icon.Dev.Visible = false
Here is the problem:
Thank you in advance!