I’m trying to send it into an embed, however I get a error 400, bad request.
local HTTP_SERVICE = game:GetService("HttpService")
local url="https://www.roblox.com/headshot-thumbnail/image?userId=204220392&width=150&height=150&format=png"
local data =
embed = {{
title = "[TEST-FROM OUTPUT] Hand-to Logs";
description = "[ACCEPTED] gIwwinnq gave sus stuff to himself";
color = tonumber(0x965306);
footer = {
con_url = url;
text = "gIwwinnq"
local final = HTTP_SERVICE:JSONEncode(data)
local webhook = 'https://discord.com/api/webhooks/xxx/xxx'
HTTP_SERVICE:PostAsync(webhook, final)
The webhook link is right, webhook link is not there due to privacy.
Yes, if you were to use webhooks in studio it would work perfectly fine, while actual experience it wouldn’t function. I recommend you changing to proxy