Discord Webhook Proxy

All good, the other webhook services arent good at all. Will be switching back soon.

Thank you for continuing to maintain this. It is very helpful and easy to use.

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I seem to have a suggestion for you. Make the website dark mode so we don’t get flash banged at 3am

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Any chance of supporting MySQLi/MariaDB alongside MongoDB?
I find it more useful to use MySQLi/MariaDB instead.

You’re welcome to use the open source code as a starting point for your own fork of this. The version written using MongoDb is the version I’m sticking with at the moment.

This service has been discontinued.

We regret to inform you that as of today, we are discontinuing our webhook proxy service due to the escalating operational costs.

Hyra Hooks was originally established as a complimentary service, operated solely out of goodwill, without any financial backing. However, the expenses associated with maintaining the service have grown significantly, rendering it unsustainable for Hyra.

Over time, we have transmitted approximately 36 terabytes of data to Discord, while also managing an influx of nearly 150 terabytes of traffic. This surge in activity has pushed our webhook service to a point where it’s no longer feasible for us to maintain.

We appreciate your understanding in this matter and extend our sincere apologies for any disruption this decision may cause.


I think there should be some form of warning in the form of JSON when you send a request, because users randomly started complaining to me that it did not work with no message because my custom error handling was not picking up the 403.

Thank you so much for making this project! Your proxy service was the most trustful and easy to use. That’s really sad that it was too expensive to maintain. For me, I’ll just go host my own proxy service for my projects. <3


Darn, just as I started to use this! I hope it wouldn’t be too much trouble to keep the code open-source so I could make my own webhook. Thank you so much for keeping this service up as long as it was. :wink:

Hyra is back, many groups use it like Washiez.

It is already open source on GitHub.

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Could we get any updates on why this is blocked (Http 403 Forbidden)?
I cant seem to find any other alternatives to this for a proxy.


This service has been discontinued.

Oh, Do you know any other proxies then? I am unable to find any :c

There are some on the DevForum, but I would recommend proxying your own requests using Cloudflare Workers or NGINX.

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I use Lewi’s System.
For my NewsTargeted.com domain.
If you can host one yourself, it’s best to do so yourself, but my site and Lewis’s site is an alternative that works.


@melodrvma Hey, I got HTTP 403 (Forbidden). Did my game get blocked from using the proxy? (it is a testing place) I can message you the url

hooks.hyra.io been discontinued

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Oh. Thank you. characters

Maybe you should put “[SHUT DOWN]” or something before the title.