Discord Webhook Proxy

This is really against the discord ToS. To put it simply discord blocked requests from Roblox for a reason and I think we should obey that.

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Please read the post, this is not against the Terms of Service because I absorb the requests that exceed the ratelimits.

i noticed that all new webhooks i create wont work with this proxy it just return status 403 this was the case for a few days, old webhooks work perfectly fine

What’s your numeric webhook ID? It’s in the URL.

Im receiving 503 errors ingame. However, when connecting to the site https://webhook.lewistehminerz.dev/ on google I get “argo tunnel errors”. Has been happening since July 5th. No errors were returning prior to that date.

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A few days ago, on Sunday or Monday, I needed to put a new webhook (the ones I already had did work) but it gave me error 403, checking the site a message appeared saying “we have closed new requests for webhooks while we solve a problem that would affect our service”, the next day it was removed.

From what I see since yesterday around 5 pm EDT nothing has worked throwing the same error 403 (or 530 “frozen service?”), and on the site “Argo Tunnel Error 1033”…

im getting error 403 as well, anyone know whats up?

Wrong proxy - this is hooks.hyra.io


If you guys want to log stuff so much, use discord bots instead. Its not that hard to make one.

reduant data should be out from this proxy

I didnt noticw the bump LOL but one question, what if we keep waiting and spam again, wait and spam again, does the time increase?

To use a Discord bot, they would need a proxy/their own server so this makes your reply obsolete.

The time does not increase, it is the same a Discord ratelimits. If you are to spam my hosted proxy beyond a forgivable limit, I will outright ban your game from using the service.

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When I went onto http://hooks.hyra.io/.


Are you trying to make a request to a webhook directly on the proxy and not via a Roblox game?

To prevent the proxy from being used for services outside of Roblox, the firewall rejects requests which don’t look like they came from Roblox.

I am getting http 403 and 400 errors when i use this is there something you can do about it?

Sorry for being slow off the mark on getting to this. Please message me your Webhook ID so I can investigate further for you. :happy1:

I have found the issue so you no longer need it.

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Hey, I’m using hydra and I am still getting http 400 and 403, and 525 errors. Do you know a workaround or fix?



Pretty sure they patched this.
I get the same thing.


This is not patched yet. Are you sure your Data (Content Sent) is correctly formatted?

Also, I am getting somewhat frequent 525 errors (SSL Handshake/Secure Connection Error) when using the webhook. It only works sometimes.

It says “HTTP 404 (not found)” for me. What do i do?

is having the button cooldown (debounce) enough?

local LoadingText = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Loading.TextLabel
local exit = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Loading.ImageButton
local Loading = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent["Feedback system"].Loading

local debounce = false

	if debounce == false then
		debounce = true 
		script.Parent.Visible = false
			Loading:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0.279, 0,0.422, 0))
			LoadingText.Text = "Sending...."
			script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Loading.ImageButton.Visible = false
			LoadingText.Text = "Preparing to send (6)"
			LoadingText.Text = "Preparing to send (5)"
			LoadingText.Text = "Preparing to send (4)"
			LoadingText.Text = "Preparing to send (3)"
			LoadingText.Text = "Preparing to send (2)"
			LoadingText.Text = "Preparing to send (1)"
			LoadingText.Text = "Error - Minimum words required (5+)"
			if script.Parent.Parent.uitext.Text:len() > 5 then
				LoadingText.Text = "Feedback has been sent! You are now on cooldown for 5 minutes"
				script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Loading.ImageButton.Visible = true
			elseif script.Parent.Parent.uitext.Text:len() < 5 then
				LoadingText.Text = "Error - Minimum words required (5+)"
				script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Loading.ImageButton.Visible = true
		debounce = false
		script.Parent.Visible = true
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