Discord webhooks don’t work ingame

Yes, I have a big analysis system for players and will be send to discord every minute, all these stopped working

Last Report:

  • 11:25 PM IST 1 October
  • 3:25 AM JST 2 October
  • 5:55 PM UTC 1 October
  • 10:55 AM PST 1 September

These are exact time, when the discord blocked Roblox Webhooks and when they stopped working

Someone might have already said this but this isn’t a Roblox issue. Discord blocked webhooks being sent from Roblox. We either have to wait this out or just use Trello or Guilded for webhooks.

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That’s a quite complex way, its needed incase you strongly need to post at Discord, then you need to work hard and make this complex system, but this will affect many games and will be harder to make a messaging system from roblox-discord

This seems too short of a delay, I’d recommend using a system built for analytics (such as Google analytics or GameAnalytics) rather than Discord.

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This is likely not a bug!

To put it simply…

Games failed to respect rate limits so a large group of services now block requests from Roblox servers, or rate limit even more strictly

This is exactly why Roblox was blocked by Discord in the past.

For example, Trello now limits requests from Roblox servers to 10% of their normal rate limits. This is entirely at fault of users of these services on Roblox not following website guidelines properly, spamming requests and completely ignoring rate limits and response messages when they fail. A majority of services return response codes for when you need to slow down!

If Discord webhooks, or any other services blocking Roblox return again, it is a guarantee that if games continue to neglect to follow rate limits services will just immediately start blocking Roblox again.


hey folks, apologies for the outage. it’s as some of the others are saying however, Discord is blocking Roblox traffic because of folks not adhering to Discord’s terms and conditions. we’re looking at alternative solutions and also will try to follow up with Discord to see if we can work something out, e.g. maybe add more throttling specifically for Discord traffic, but for the time being calls made out to Discord won’t work unfortunately.

I’ll update this thread if we have any news. again, apologies that this stopped working without warning.


So it means we cannot use discord webhooks anymore and need to go for trello or google analysis?

Yes, however I don’t recommend Trello as a database as it’s not created to be one. Use something different for databases that is actually designed to be one.

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Trello is not good if your doing any analysis or any data based program or application, making custom or using small data bases is hard/creepy, discord have chat system so its easy to send strings and numbers, but going with different data bases its going to be hard

Trello is terrible for anything that isn’t time management and project planning. How is using 3rd party databases creepy? They’re hard to set up but once you do, they’re much better than Trello.


Well you have no other option.

That’s like saying ‘hey I didn’t implement a Roblox chat filter because it seems like too much work’.

Using Discord as a logging service is simply not allowed and if you think using a database is too hard then you simply shouldn’t log anything.


maybe using caching when a game is sending multiple request would partially solve the problem with throttling?

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Mine randomly stopped for a couple of hours then came back online? It’s used as an ingame command audit for whenever an admin uses an admin command or whenever a player gets vote kicked.

Edit: this isn’t supposed to be a reply, I misclicked my bad!

which address you’re using? discord.com or discordapp.com?

This is a little bit of a PSA

The domain name you use shouldn’t matter, the discrepency on the block between https://discord.com and https://discordapp.com is very clearly unintentional, and abusing this will only make Discord less likely to reinstate webhook access.

And, for everyone reading this in the future and anyone this might be relevant to…

Discord has blocked Roblox’s access to https://discord.com, which very clearly means that continuing to make requests to Discord anyways isn’t going to be taken well by them, especially considering many people haven’t even attempted to implement proper rate limits or even just any kind of rate limiting at all, which is disrespectful to the service, and in the future, people should be properly rate limiting their code, or not issuing requests to these services at all.

Here’s are two very important things you should be doing if you want Discord to remain Roblox-accessible:

  1. Don’t make requests to Discord at all, its blocked, and circumventing, or continuing to make requests that are going to get denied is wasting their resources and puts pressure on them to keep Roblox blocked.
  2. When (and if!) Discord unblocks Roblox, everybody who is using Discord webhooks should either be properly implementing rate limits, or simply not making requests to Discord. Blocked requests (rate limited, or now, by force) still have a cost to the service, and you should not be repeatedly making requests that are just getting blocked.
  3. I’ll say it again, please ensure you’re respecting the rate limits and ToS of any services you’re utilizing before you start using them again Discord Developer Portal

Additionally do not just switch to Trello. If you really need a free logging DB, again, use a service that’s designed for this sort of mass, frequent requests, like Google analytics, hell, even Google sheets is better for this than Trello.

Simply switching everything to Trello is immediately going to get Roblox blocked there as well, you should not be using these services for this sort of thing with the scale of the Roblox platform, they have each made it clear that many cases where Roblox utilizes them are not welcome, and both Discord and Trello have repeatedly asked users to stop sending them requests against their guidelines, and now Discord has issued this second block to Roblox.

Additionally, this resource was shown to me, and, its a perfect example of something designed for this:


Discord is no more a data analysis application than Trello is. :slightly_smiling_face:

Consider using a proper data analysis platform such as gameanalytics or google analytics.


I just realized something: Guilded has webhooks!
And they were bought by Roblox, so they probably won’t rate limit us any time soon lol

This is an even lazier solution than using trello :sunglasses:


It seems to work literally the same way as discord. You can literally just replace the Discord webhook URL and it’ll work.

http = game.HttpService
function say(msg)
        local Data = {
            ["content"] = msg
        Data = http:JSONEncode(Data)
        http:PostAsync("https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/12345678/BLABLABLABLABLABLA", Data)
say('such epics! wow')

They will have to still rate limit. The only reason why Discord did is because they are expensive to upkeep. It’s also against their ToS. Guilded nor Discord are meant to be a logging service but a chat.

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That’s irrelevant to the subject. The issue isn’t “we have no service for logging,” it’s “Discord webhooks don’t work ingame.”

If you want to log something critical, use datastore. Otherwise, this is literally a plug-and-play solution to this issue.

Engineers, can you yourself add a debounce or rate limit on HttpRequests that go to discord? Needa go harsh with people who spam discord webhooks. Maybe if someone spams a discord http take some moderation action on their account? (feel free to disagree)

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