Discord/Studio Rich Presence Plugin [OPEN-SOURCE]

Neither, the server you run with NodeJS actually uses IPC pipes to deliver the information to your locally running discord client using the RPC interface.

Wouldnā€™t It need my discord token for it to run and set presence and change the rich status?

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Surprisingly not, IPC is exclusively local so Discord assumed safety and allows the use of token/authentication to be omitted entirely.

I see, thanks for clarifing it up. I ll just have to wait for the fix so I can start using it :smiley:

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Fixed Client (v0.1.3-alpha)


Available here.


Not sure why, but the buttons did work for me without any error. It redirected me to the exact link. The only problem was, after i updated the button link, it didnā€™t redirect me to updated link even after waiting for like 10 minutes.

Ok, when I click enable the enabled wont change to Yes from No but on discord you can see the status

I really donā€™t think it is better nor cleaner. You can just categorize a big script with comments and then search for the comment and instantly jump to the part you want to work on

Quite interesting, this is a Discord issue if even an issue at all, donā€™t blame me :sweat_smile:

That oneā€™s a weird one Iā€™ll admit, Iā€™ve tried to fix it like thrice now, keeps cropping up new completely unrelated issues.

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I see, it works but it doesnā€™t chnage the ui in studio I guess

I am pretty sure this is the error cuasing it
cloud_6478572909.DRPC.src.client.index:25: attempt to index nil with ā€˜Postā€™

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Honestly thatā€™s a personal opinion, if you look at any other large github projects in almost any fields, youā€™ll find a multi-file, scattered structure quite like mine, itā€™s easier for collaboration, a (by large opinion) cleaner file structure, and itā€™s easier to look at small sections of your code at once than to look at 800 lines and try to reason ā€œSo, what next?ā€.


Youā€™re still getting that error?

Edit: My mistake, didnā€™t publish the plugin update, will do now (Feel free to restart studio now)


Yeah when I click enabled I get that error with but my discord shows I got studio like it was supposed it

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Ok it works perfectly now, when I press Enabled It changes and I dont see any errors


Looks cool. Imma use it right now!

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UI Revamp (v0.2.0-alpha)


  • UI Revamp by @va1kio


  • Buttons undefined, buttons not existing, buttons dying, buttons escaping death, buttons everywhere, AAAAHH!H!!!
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Server literally wont run, at first it just wouldnā€™t show anything in the console but even after pressing yes on the plugin it didnā€™t work, so I redownloaded the export zip then ran ā€œnpm iā€ and then ā€œnode index.jsā€ yet it still doesnā€™t work, now iā€™m getting the error: "Error: cannot find module ā€˜gotā€™ " when I run ā€œnode index.jsā€

Try running npm i got before node index.js, Iā€™ll have to update the package.json for the next release.

In my original message I said "so I redownloaded the export zip then ran ā€˜npm iā€™ and then ā€˜node index.jsā€™ "