DiscoverGameIcons Studio Output Warning

I am constantly receiving a warning in my Roblox Studio place in the output. I can’t manage to fix the warning itself.

The warning is happening only in the place I am currently working in, not in other Studio places!

It occurs whenever I try to test within Studio with 2 or more Clients. Each Client and Server receive this warning. I have disabled all the plugins and cleared all the plugins in the Plugins folder on my PC.

Direct Links: Elementures | Development - Roblox

System Information: Windows 10 Pro / AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 6-Core Processor 3.80 GHz / 48GB / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti

Beta Features:

  • Assistant Preview
  • Avatar Joint Upgrade
  • Dragger QoL Improvements
  • Face Capture
  • Gamepad Emulator
  • Import Queue
  • Improved Constraint Tool
  • Improved Mass Properties
  • Live Animation Creator
  • Multiplayer Wrap Fix
  • New Studio Camera Controls
  • Occlusion Culling
  • Preferred Text Size Setting
  • Script Sync
  • Scripts Are Non-Strict By Default
  • Studio Solid Modeling Improvements
  • Texture Generator
  • UIDragDetectors
  • Updated Roblox Controls
  • Video Uploads
  • VR Emulator

Update: It affects other Studio places as well.


Thanks for the report! I filed a ticket in our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


I’m also encountering this issue.

It doesn’t seem to occur consistently. Opening the Baseplate template from the Templates tab does not show any warnings, but creating a new place using the File dropdown or Ctrl+N does trigger the warnings. Opening locally saved places also shows the warnings. I haven’t noticed this happening with places saved to Roblox, but since I work on most of my projects locally to avoid cluttering my account there may be cases where it does still happen.

If I save the Baseplate template that doesn’t initially show warnings to disk and then reopen it from the file, the warnings do appear.


For me I see this issue on I believe all my games and it may even have caused one of my games to have another issue!- I open the place (through asset manager), see the warnings the first time on the glitched place and then crash close the window after 3ish seconds.


I started encountering this issue today so its still there