Discovery search is not functioning correctly

@Focia19 we’re anxiously awaiting a fix. But here as we wait, is some vital information to consider about the damage that’s being done to experiences.

You can see here, in this screen shot from my User Acquisition tab in Developer Stats, that my experience’s reputation has been severely damaged due to 2 incidents.

Dec 20, my game is at an all time high of Search and Discovery 1M impressions, and receives a shadow ban later that day. I reported it here on the forum, and self-repaired it. The next day it gets half of the Impressions, and never really came fully back.

Dec 25, my game received 0.56M impressions, and received a shadow ban that evening, I was not aware of it right away, and due to holiday, was not able to immediately fix it, but I did report it to Roblox support, who did nothing, and actually denied any problem whatsoever. 2 days later I self-fixed it.

Now look at the Search and Discovery numbers since then. Struggling to get 100k impressions in Roblox S&D, presumably as a “penalty” for having a recent ban. Which was Roblox’s fault.

Even though it is no longer shadow banned, it has received some kind of penalty on Roblox’s discovery, wherein it is not receiving the same amount of coverage as it was before these bans. Even though now you can still find it, all that was lost has not been restored and cannot really be measured. Can you imagine, if it were not banned, and continued to receive 0.5 - 1.0M impressions, how different my sales would be, and what would the current user count be, compared to what it is today?


@Focia19 Here are some issues with the “hidden” discovery changes. The results are devastating, and the graphic should tell you when these discovery issues happen. Notice the drop starting to happen as soon as the first developer reports the discovery issue to the bug report.

My experience had been suffering from this change for two months. The shadow ban is apparent, as I had decent concurrent players for nearly a month with zero updates. When ROBLOX was back to work again yesterday, the shadow ban appeared to happen again. I need a fix for this as two months have cost me a lot of revenue and opportunities.

One more thing, I cannot search for my game name on ROBLOX. Searching Digital Monsters do not bring up the game at all. The game is locked to the keyword “Digimon.” This is clearly a search discovery bug, but I believe there are way more internal discovery issues that caused this.

The red highlight indicates when the shadowban may have happened or if anything went wrong with the discovery.

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Same here. This


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My game also had a huge drop of players because of weird discovery issues. I wouldn’t be opposed for the experience discovery tab to just get reverted to how it was working mid last year.

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I believe ROBLOX is engaging in stricter censorship. From the graph, engineers probably developed the discovery changes during October and implemented them in November when they made the ad changes to ages. These ad changes appear to affect way more than just ads. Developers first report any discovery issue at the beginning of October, and more keeps coming until today. To make developers believe there is nothing wrong is probably not very plausible, as multiple heads were affected rather than one.

Reverting the changes would be the best solution here, as there were no complaints before October. Discovery was consistent throughout the periods.


I am having an issue joining games. it says
“Unable to verify that you have access to this experience. Please try again later.”

I am on a Chrome on an iMac

I do not have access to post bugs, sadly

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I am back to reiterate my point that something updated with the algorithm in 2022 that messed up experience discovery and severely impacted my experience.

As you can see, in August of 2022, my experience pictured above showed up as one of the first results when you searched for “army”. This made up a large portion of new joining players for me.

Later in 2022, something was updated with discovery that massively dropped my experience for the same search term. It dropped from being number 8 in that picture to now being hundreds of results down. I do not believe I updated my experience’s title or description to cause this to happen.

As you can imagine, this update has drastically reduced the amount of new players coming to my experience and now returning-visitors make up a large portion of my visitors.

This issue has gotten worse over time and my experience has continued to drop unnaturally low.

If you look closely at this image and look at the scrollbar on the right, you will see a yellow line where my experience, which used to be number 8 on this exact search term, now is. Above it is my old experience which is on my old profile which Roblox randomly terminated in 2019. I spent about 6 months trying to get it unbanned as I was completely innocent of any wrongdoing, so I had to make a new account and a new experience.

My old experience, listed in the image above, has significantly less visits, favorites, likes, recent players, average play time, and earnings. So I do not understand why it shows up much higher than my current experience. There are lots of dead or very low activity experiences listed above mine for this search result.

It almost makes it look like my experience was intentionally throttled for whatever reason. Maybe an anti-spam bot triggered on my experience or something. If not, I do not understand what the search algorithm is looking for. If experiences show up above mine that have less players, less likes, less visits, less favorites, what is the algorithm even looking for when you search for a certain term?

Lastly, I will point out that if you search for “army”, 8/10 of the first 10 listed experience do NOT have the word “army” in their titles or descriptions. So, maybe an explanation of what the algorithm triggers on by someone from Roblox would be helpful to us.

Of course, I have to urge Roblox to consider reverting the search algorithm to what it was in mid-2022 before all of these issues with it popped up. I know my game’s ability to get new players was drastically impacted by this algorithm update and I am sure it has drastically affected other experiences, too.

Finally, if there is an anti-spam experience filter that goes through and automatically throttles experiences, I would appreciate it if someone from Roblox staff could investigate my experience and see if it might have gotten wrongfully flagged. If not, I don’t understand how my experience could have dropped by 300 search box results in such a short period.

I also wonder if Roblox intentionally throttles R6 games in discovery. If this is the case, we need to know about it so we can react accordingly. I would be strongly against any anti-R6 action.

Thank you

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@Focia19 5 days ago you said you were going to check on this problem and report back the progress. How long should we wait for that progress report? I want to know what has been done during the past week to address this.

We’ve been reporting this issue since October 11. Isn’t it time we heard some details from Roblox about when this is going to be fixed?

Last night I got a ban which drained 95% of my game’s traffic from 600 players to 30 in less than an hour. @Focia19 do you think I should continue to suffer like this? Do you agree that there’s been damage done to my game’s reputation due to being repeatedly banned by this bug? Don’t you want to help out developers whose sales are reduced by this issue?

I gave up on this matter. I think it’s best if we all change our name to Adopt Me or Blox Fruit and abuse this discovery change, what more do we have to lose?


The original issue filed in this report should be resolved. If you’re still experiencing a similar problem, please file a new bug report.