Disneyland Robloxia Tower of Terror Operator's Manual

Operator’s Manual


  1. Introduction

  2. Cast Member Positions

  3. Ride Operator

  4. Crowd Control

  5. Libraries

  6. Front Desk

  7. Attraction Entrance

  8. General Guidelines

  9. Uniform Guidelines

  10. Setup Procedure

  11. Emergency Procedures

  12. Scripts


This document will instruct Attraction Operators how to conduct operations within the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror attraction. This document should be used and referenced before and during trainings as well as during operation in case Cast Members forget certain procedures/guidelines.

Cast Member Positions

This section is divided into the various positions cast members can occupy. When setting up the ride, the positions should be filled in in the order they’re listed in this section.

Ride Operator

Description: The Ride Operator is responsible for safely operating the attraction.


  1. Ensure both the INNER DOORS and GATE are open.
  2. Press play the safety spiel by pressing the SPIEL button.
  3. Open the OUTER DOORS and allow Crowd Control to board guests* (SEE CROWD CONTROL).
  4. Once all guests are seated inside close the OUTER DOORS.
  5. Ask guests to fasten their seatbelts (see scripts).
  6. Check each row, even if empty, to ensure that guests are properly seated and close the GATE.
  7. Give the safety speech (see scripts).
  8. Close the INNER DOORS and DISPATCH the elevator.
  9. Once the elevator returns, the INNER DOORS will open automatically. Give the final exit speech (see scripts) and open the GATE to let guests out.

Crowd Control

Description: Crowd Control is stationed in the waiting area outside the ride and ensures guests board the elevator in an organized fashion to avoid crowding.

Procedure: (NOTE: Everything below the dotted line is only done when more than ½ of the spots are filled.)

  1. When a wave of guests enters the boiler room, ask them to pick a spot to stand on.

  1. Once each guests is on a spot, stand in front of the Outer Doors and ask for their attention.
  2. Begin explaining the boarding procedure (see scripts).
  3. Take a spot inside just past the Outer Doors to signal the ride operator that everyone is ready for boarding.
  4. Once the Ride Operator opens the Outer Doors, call each row to board in the following order: E, D, C, B, A. After calling a row, ensure that you follow the group inside the elevator to ensure they are seated in the correct row before calling the next.
  5. Once everyone has boarded, wait outside for the next group.


Description: The Library Monitor is responsible for ensuring guests do not crowd around the TV or Exit in the Libraries and giving instructions when guests enter and when they exit.


  1. Once guests enter, welcome them (see scripts).
  2. Proceed to stand in front of the exit to ensure guests do not crowd around it.
  3. Once the Pre-show ends, dismiss them (see scripts).

Front Desk

Description: The front desk mainly welcomes guests to the hotel and directs them to the library.

Attraction Entrance

Description: Bellhops at the attraction entrance welcome guests to the attraction and answer any questions.

General Guidelines

  1. There should never be more than one Cast Member in the same position (except for the Attraction Entrance)
  2. Positions are first come first serve each shift.
  3. Never refer to the ride as the Tower of Terror. Always refer to the ride as The Hollywood Tower Hotel.
  4. If you have any questions about how to operate the attraction always refer to this manual before asking someone else.
  5. If you see another Cast Member causing issues, report them to a Deputy Manager+.

Uniform Guidelines

  1. You MUST be in uniform if you wish to operate any section of the attraction.
  2. Packages and t-shirts are not permitted.
  3. Accessories are not allowed with the exception of eyeglasses (not sunglasses), and the black eyepatch.
  4. Hair cannot have any unnatural colors and must look professional.
  5. Wearing the hat is optional, but when worn, ensure your hair does not disrupt its look.
  6. Skin tone must be a natural color unless there is a special event at the ride.

Switching to Manual

The CMC can be switched from auto mode to manual mode by turning the manual switch on. From here, wait until the Manual indicator light located under the switch turns on before taking control of the ride. One the operating panel screen, you’ll see a blue box with a number counting down. When this number reaches 0, the system automatically switches to auto mode. Dispatching the ride resets this timer.

Setup Procedure

Before letting guests into the attraction do the following:

  1. Activate one of the libraries by opening the panel and turning the switch on. Do NOT spam this switch. If the server fills up t more than 30 guests, activate the second library. When turning on the second library, ensure that both pre shows do not start at the same time, you want to stagger it to ensure the flow of guests is constant and not over crowding.
  2. Open both doors at the front desk.
  3. Test run the ride.

Emergency Procedures

In the event of an emergency, the ride can be stopped by pressing the E-Stop Button which can be visually identified by the Red Button with a yellow casing.

  1. Click the E-Stop Button
  2. Wait for the Inner Doors to open. You’ll notice that the elevator will be gone.
  3. Using the Cast Member Teleport gui, teleport to the Hallway scene and locate the operator’s panel.
  4. Bring the vehicle down to the hallway scene by clicking the Vehicle Evacuation button.
  5. Open the Hallway doors.
  6. Instruct guests to exit through the door and down the stairs.
  7. Open the Elevator gate and ensure all guests properly exit.
  8. Once all guests have exited, close the hallway doors and teleport down to the CMC Panel.
  9. Reset the ride and wait for it to return to the Doors.
  10. Once returned, dispatch the ride to test it.


This section contains lines used by bellhops in various areas of the attraction. Feel free to copy and paste from here but these lines are really more of a suggestion of what you should say. Cast Members are welcome to write and use their own lines as long as they contain the same information found in these examples.

Ride Operator

Safety Check

Please put on your safety belts from left to your right the only way and tug on the yellow strap for me please.

Please watch your feet as the gate closes in front of you.

Safety Speech

Hotel management recommends that you please secure all loose articles, loved ones and anything you want to keep in the same dimension with you.

Any questions, comments or concerns? TOO LATE!

Elevator Exit

Ladies and gentlemen please gather your belongings and exit to your right.

We hope you enjoyed your stay at the Hollywood Tower Hotel and please do DROP in with us again.

Crowd Control

Boarding Procedure

Please take note of the letter you are standing on.

Each letter has a corresponding row inside the elevator as seen in the chart next to the doors.

When I call your row to board, please find a seat with the corresponding letter.

Please do NOT board until I call your row.


Guests Enter

Welcome to the Hotel Library, please stay on the rug and only the rug, in just a few moments you will be on your way to your rooms.

Guests Exit

Your rooms are now ready please exit to your right to the boiler room and to the service elevator to your rooms.


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