Display Name + Username Gui

Hello Developers, This is a simple script made mostly for new scripters but no matter the skill it works!
If you don’t want to script it and just want to put it in, here ya go: Display Name + Username GUI - Roblox

How to make it

  1. Add a part in Workspace

  2. Add a Billboard Gui into the Part

  3. Add a Text Label into the Billboard Gui

  4. Make the StudsOffset “0,2.5,0” and Size {0,213},{0,50}

  5. Enable “Text Scaled” and then customize the text however you want

  6. Name the Billboard Gui “NameTag”

  7. Name the Text Label “PlayerName”

  8. Drag the Billboard Gui into ServerScriptService

  9. Add a Script to ServerScriptService and name it “NameTagScript”

  10. Copy and Paste this into the Script

local nameTag = script.NameTag

		repeat wait() until character.Head

		local plrTag = nameTag:Clone()
		plrTag.PlayerName.Text = player.Name

		plrTag.Parent = character.Head
  1. Now redo these steps but make the Billboard Gui StudsOffset “0,2.6,0”

  2. Make the Billboard Gui size {0,213},{0,50}

  3. Make the Text Label Size {0,500},{0,15}

  4. Add that Billboard Gui to ServerScriptService also

  5. Add another Script to ServerScriptService and name it “NameTagScript”

  6. Copy and Paste this into that new Script

local nameTag = script.NameTag

		repeat wait() until character.Head

		local plrTag = nameTag:Clone()
		plrTag.PlayerName.Text = player.DisplayName

		plrTag.Parent = character.Head

Boom there you go! Honestly, easier to just add the model into your game and ungroup it but if you want it just to learn the basics of scripting there.


This is not a tutorial. Please edit this explaining how everything works otherwise I will have to get your post taken down.