Display Names Used Inconsistently in Group Audit Logs

Display Names are currently used inconsistently in the group audit log page, leading to self-actions looking like action against others.

(user with display name deleting their own post)

Either go full display name or full username for audit log statements.

(I personally think usernames only would be preferable as they’re more of a unique identifier for an individual.)


Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Thanks for the report. This is mostly fixed - reason being, the payout-related strings are generated before being returned from the API, so that will be a different change that will take a little longer.

The case you mentioned and all non-payout-related audit log entries that have users as targets will use the displayname for the actor and the username for the target, and that should be reflected in the UI.


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