Display Payout Eligibility Dates For New Group Users

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to keep track for when a user in my group is available for payouts. It would be nice to have the notification text to also include the date at which the person will be eligible for Robux payouts.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I don’t have to waste five minutes of my time logging into a group holder account and testing if I can pay out someone. I know a solution would just be to track when someone joins a group on a personal notepad, but that can get messy with multiple developers.


Honestly, I think instead of a stupid cooldown for new members, instead it should ask for a 2FA code via authenticator app/email/security key when paying out members.


Another alternative to this for users without 2FA could also be forcing the user to input their password, If not roblox could add a little row of icons next to each user that provide info when hovered (like these mockups), this could go along with a new analytics update baked into groups aswell as filtering for users (account age, join date, amount spent, etc)


Verification is currently required to make payments.

Also to leave groups of which you are the owner


The point of this is not security…it’s merely a way to stop free robux groups from giving out robux to new users.


mb, however it’s still annoying having that limit to pay commissions, etc.

That’s good then.


This is cool! Little icons like these could go a long away. It would be cool if hovering over the warning symbol also listed a date/time of when the user becomes eligible for payouts.


This is a great idea. The Economy API already has an endpoint for determining a user’s payout eligibility (https://economy.roblox.com/v1/groups/{GroupId}/users-payout-eligibility?userIds={UserId}) maybe add a timestamp for when a user will be able to receive payouts?

Or as an alternative, provide the user’s group join date which would allow us to calculate the exact date and time in the future they’ll be eligible to receive payouts.

In addition, although slightly off-topic, it would be nice for the Payout API to be added to the API key system. Trying to replicate Roblox’s internal two factor authentication system to automate payouts has proven to be quite a hassle. Thanks!