Distance and performance

Good morning / Good night,

I’m trying to find out if it’s possible to improve the performance of my creation by moving the player as far away as possible from each zone.

Here, the total distance is 1900 studs. And an example of player size is on the edge of the tunnel :

My question is : Can distance reduce future latency risks in my game?


well no, even if there is distance between the player and each zone the game will load them if the player’s camera looks at them so that changes nothing.

and what is that creation that you are talking about ? is it made of a lot of parts and making your game laggy?


As @NACER_RPG stated, lots of Parts can affect lag.
Unanchored, Transparent, or Reflective Parts, or Parts with CanCollide and CanTouch true will cause lag, especially if they are in a small area since your computer and the server have to deal with the physics of all those parts touching or being rendered on screen.
You could check out Content Streaming | Roblox Creator Documentation to see if that helps.


I am currently working on a game that uses an advanced lighting and that is pretty big

and personally the best way to improve the performance of my game is by using meshes when having to build complex models and the reason is because meshes have only their exterior faces to display so it creates less lags.
less parts = less lags


Thank you @Scottifly and @NACER_RPG

In the meantime, I went to see this video :

Roblox Developer Conference 2018 - Designing for Performance

I will combine all of this :memo:


one last thing you really should read this devforum mesh game optimisation tutorial to learn more about meshes:

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Is it made of a lot of parts and making your game laggy?

I had almost 10,000 parts for the first platform (The cube in the background) :sweat_smile:

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oh my god yeah you really need to fix this :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: