I’m having trouble with DistanceFromCharacter() simply because 90% of the time it will return the correct distance that a player is from a part, but sometimes, it will return an incorrect distance.
I’m using this to create a task system where when a player walks away from the task, they are removed. When this error occurs, the player is literally standing right next to the task, and it says they’re 20 units away
I am almost positive that this is not a problem with my code, this is literally one line.
The trigger position does not change.
Any advice?
if player:DistanceFromCharacter(script.Parent.BOX.Trigger.Position) > 10 then
-- run the code I want
You could try to manually get the distance instead, like so:
local function DistanceFromCharacter(player, pos)
return pcall(function()
return (player.Character.Head.Position - pos).Magnitude
-- code in between
if DistanceFromCharacter(player, script.Parent.BOX.Trigger.Position) > 10 then
-- run the code I want
If this doesn’t work, it would be appreciated if you send the full script.