Distant Parts Rendering as Neon on Mobile

Reproduction Steps

We have definitively tested this bug to occur on the following mobile devices, and as far as we know, it does not happen on desktops:

  • iPhone 11
  • iPhone 13
  • iPhone XS Max
  • Galaxy S5

Included in a private message is a minimal reproduction file that includes our current map and lighting settings. We have tested the bug to occur on both ShadowMap and Voxel lighting.

Expected Behavior

The map should render without any neon-looking parts or shadows.

Actual Behavior

Certain parts and shadows appear as a bright white neon glow, and changing the skybox and lowering the tri count has increased the distance at which the bug occurs. Before doing this small workaround, it would happen up to the camera, but now it only happens at some distance.

Included in a private message is a video of the bug happening. It shows a rock mesh swapping between how it’s supposed to look at the neon bug. This is in a private message because it includes non-public UI and game components.

Before small workaround:

After small workaround:


Changing the skybox and decreasing the scene triangle count seems to have helped the issue.

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Display
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Often
Date First Experienced: 2022-06-01 00:06:00 (+01:00)
A private message is associated with this bug report

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What are your Lighting settings? If your Brightness is too high it may explain it.

Do you have any other Atmosphere effects that could be causing this?

Are you using new materials/parity materials/Material Service? If yes, we suspect there’s an issue for this. The workaround is to remove those materials.