As a Roblox developer and group owner, it’s currently impossible to run a group that owns multiple games. Each person in a in game development group puts in different amounts of work into different projects. Then it would make sense to be able to split the revenue for one game differently than the revenue of another game. We should also be able to give edit access for each game to only the people working on that game, not the people working on ANY game under the group (as it is now).
I feel like there should be an ‘edit access’ system where you can add/remove people from the list of people who can edit the place.
This would remove the need to use the (sometimes) annoying team create feature to share development with your friends without having a group.
This also means, that, for group games, no new feature would need to be made, solving the issue in this request, and again the team create issue will be gone also.
The permission ‘developer’ ranks could have might be:
manage users who can edit group places
create/edit group places
(The separation to make the developer not able to add/remove people if your are feeling paranoid and want to play it safe)
Yeah, that’d definitely be nice to have. One issue is that we have some developers that also share a management position in the group. For example, I’m in a group called “The Society of Magic” and am both a developer for the games as well as a ‘Council’ member (which votes and creates votes on various topics, along with general administrative tasks). But because I need access to the group game, and council members do not, I am ranked as “Developer” instead of “Council” within the group.
I had the same problem with a previous group as well. I was ranked as a “Developer”, but not all Developers should have had access to the group place. The owner had to temporarily give me a higher rank meant for the co-owner just so I could edit the place.
So I have full support for this.
I think a good approach to fixing this wold be a “role tag” system, similar to what discord has. Each role / tag has individual permissions associated with it.
And yes, I support this feature.
I have multiple groups because some people have no need to be working on some ganes, or live versions etc
Not that I don’t trust people, but I rather not give them access to things they have no need to.
It’s not impossible.
You would have to learn basic accounting, but as a group owner (which essentially makes you an E-Business owner), you should be learning financial terms anyway.
That’s not to say that Roblox can’t do anything about helping. For example, I would like it if they added a whitelist for people who can open the server console and developer stats. That way, each separate game has its own group where the test + development servers exist, but they would also be able to see the dev console and dev stats of the live game they are apart of in the main group.
It’s not impossible but its so much unnecessary work that it’s not worth doing.
Yes, you have to weigh your costs and benefits of having all your games in one group. I’ve offered free help via that twitter link to anyone who wants to get started though.
I am currently creating 2 different games with 2 different teams under the same studio. The ability to give specific roles edit permissions only for certain games is HIGHLY needed. Hopefully it can be put on the priority list.
Another thing to include on top of this is game equity to specific people, than just a singular group equity. In more clear terms, equity should be given out per game, instead of per group; where remaining revenue that’s not given to a specific person from a game goes into the main group funds. Right now, all equity is from the total group revenue instead of game revenue, which leads to complicated mathematics to calculate everyone’s share.This feature will allow group leaders to organize a neater payroll when having multiple dev teams within one studio without any hassle.
Is this possible yet?
I want my developers to only be able to access a “developer only” game, while the main game can only be edited/published to on my accord.
I can’t find the setting for this!