Distorting Studios [HIRING BUILDERS] [20% Revenue]

About Us

Hi there! We’re Distorting Studios, a Roblox Development group. We’re looking for a builder who is willing to join our team and work with us on our new game, Distortion!

The Team
@bryancololee - Scripter / UI (25%)
@couldbeyou - Builder (20%)
@iompy - Second Builder (20%)
@Hayden_A28 - Building Helper (15%)
@secondpost - Modeler (20%)

You can see our progress so far here: https://www.roblox.com/games/4809227076/Distortion-BETA

About The Job

Our recent builder has left the team, so we are looking for another professional builder to join our team. We’d prefer members who have substantial skills, that could fit up to our needs.

Example of our game's build style


We’re aiming for a futuristic game around the 2060-2080 timezone.

Our game needs a city built (tasked for the builder). We aim to have 3 builders helping out with the city.


We are paying a percentage of game revenue to each member on the team. The builder we are hiring will recieve 20% of game revenue, if work is done properly and effectively. Payment is negotiable. No backup is provided, this game is being made for fun, not as a job!

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Discord at bryancololee#2857 .

You must have/be Discord/13+ to apply.
Thanks for reading.


hey im very interested cause this is my type of game and i am rlly rlly good in building houses war crafts and scp games buildings and unique mansions jailbreak#7767

Will there need to be any interior for the city buildings? Do you possibly have more references as well?

1 Like

Sure I will help @Clxzed#8551

How will we know that the game will eanr robux and what will you do to make it earn robux

The game might or might not earn robux, I never said it would.
I am planning to advertise the game on many discord servers, and also spend robux on advertisements.

Interior will only be needed for select buildings. Our refrences will be provided once you join the team, we have a bit of the buildings built already.

I am interested @Clxzed#8551

Please accept my friend request, I have already contacted you twice.

I accepted it please respond.


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