Distrokid Lacking Permission (in studio)

I’ve encounted an issue with Distrokid’s SoundIds causing permission problems while in runtime. Previously, the workaround was to simply insert the audio into studio before playing. https://devforum.roblox.com/t/no-viable-way-to-allow-users-to-play-distrokid-songs/3251614

However, this time I attempted to copy songs from a separate experience into my main experience, but the permissions were unexpectedly revoked, and there was no easy way to restore them. I’m unsure why this issue is occurring, and there doesn’t seem to be an indication of error, but it is frustrating.

This might not be the exact category of bug reports, but it’s the closest thing to asset permission issues.

Expected behavior

I expect the experience to gain permission to the audio once it’s dropped in the studio. The easiest alternative is to load the asset by copying the ID, clearing the SoundId property, and pasting it back in.


It’s sad when roblox published new music and you can’t event use it in production games. :pensive:


As someone who distributes there music via distokid i can honestly say i feel your pain, when i upload music and publish it to all stores including roblox i expect anyone and everyone on roblox to be able to use it with ease, i as the artist made the decision to make in publicly accessible on roblox without royalties so i dont see why developers have to add the song to there experiences manaually at all. i think a player should be able to go into anygame that has a jukebox or music system enter our song id’s and it should just work the same way it does for default roblox sounds or songs made by monstercat and that raining tacos guy. if we didnt want people to be able to use our music freely on roblox we wouldnt distribute to roblox and the current way its set up is a pain not just for developers but for artists too as it limits artists reach on the platform

Exactly as you said. I would love to use these distributed songs in games with boomboxes while playing, but Roblox limiting this is personally very disappointing. Especially now that they’ve essentially handed over copyright issues to another company that could take more accurate steps on this matter. These assets were distributed on the marketplace to be used publicly, so why can’t we use them in games? This is genuinely one of the questions I’d really like an answer to—it literally kills the fun.

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i think what we need is more developers, artists and players in here saying the exact same thing. i mean if artists want there music listened too and developers dont want to add every song to there games manually and players want to use these songs and roblox knows there safe to use because they came straight from an official music distributor and have already been checked for copyright issues then it benefits everyone to just let them be used the same way monstercats audios can just be used by simply putting in an id. so yeah we need more people voicing this so it gets noticed by roblox staff who may be able to do something somewhere down the line

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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@Executive_II thanks for reporting the issue, and apologies that you are facing playback related friction. We are planning on making changes in the future that will make free audio available in experiences without the creator of the experience needing the audio in their inventory. When this is added it should reduce the number of issues you get from this method.

We are testing this feature in our dev environments, and plan on launching this soon. We’ll reply back here as soon as we have an update.

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I wanted to inform the folks on this thread that our team put in a fix that now allows DistroKid audio to be played in experiences without the explicit need for adding to inventory OR adding to experiences. Please let us know if you have any questions or you encounter further problems.


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