Distrubuted Physics Networking Broken

Reproduction Steps
Currently in every game distributed physics is broken. Different players are seeing assemblies in different locations, some assembles are visibly in one place but physically in another place.

My game SharkBite does a lot of changing network ownership between players & server so this issue is most visible in SharkBite.

Expected Behavior
Physics to be distributed correctly and in sync between clients.

Actual Behavior
The best way to explain this issue is to see what happens so I’ve compiled a few clips into one video.

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Performance
Impact: Very High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2021-08-06 00:08:00 (+01:00)


We can also replicate this issue in the Pizza Kitchen of Club Roblox

The pizzas stop on the conveyors when they fall outside of the physics ownership range. Walking back in range forces them to update and they snap to their expected positions.


In our game Glacier people are seeing other players in different positions than in the server, each seeing their own version of the position of each player. This is currently affecting the game as it is heavily reliant on open world combat.

Although possibly unrelated, I’d also like to note that streaming seems to be taking more time to complete than it did previously.


That you for the detailed reports, we’ve identified the problem, it was only affecting a few datacenters and it should now be fixed on server restart.


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