DKK bus driver guide

Hello, welcome to the guide for the DKK driver role.

This guide will go over every little part of driving, setup situations, etc…


  • Passenger-related controls
    1 to 4 - vehicle doors (1 is the driver’s door on SU12IV SF)
    V - Heater on/off
    B - Heater speed

  • Ikarus keybinds
    R - Door bell
    T - All doors
    LSHIFT - Reset steering to middle

  • Lighting
    L - Headlights (2 positions, low beam, high beam)
    K - Interior lights

  • Driving
    W - Accelerate
    S - Brake
    A - Turn left
    D - Turn right
    N - Engine

  • Blinkers
    Z - Left blinker
    X - Hazards
    C - Right blinker

  • Misc controls
    F - Wiper on/off
    G - Wiper speed
    H - Horn

E - Left mirror*
Q - Right mirror*

V - Trolleybus switch direction*

LShift - Reset steering to middle*

*On certain vehicles



  • Step 1
    -Upon spawning, stand up from your seat
  • Step 2
    -Place your ticket stack
    -Start the pre-drive check in the following way:
    -Turn on your:
    Exterior, and interior lights;
    Wipers on full speed;
    Heating on full speed;
    Then, open all your doors, and walk around your bus checking for faults.
    -Make sure that the license plate…

    …matches the license plate shown on your validators.

-If everything is correct, close your doors, and shut off everything you don’t need.

  • Step 4:
    Start your engine, and drive


Solaris Urbino 12IV

External door opening:
To match the real vehicle, the external door open button has been moved.

After entering the cabin, you are met with this view (beautiful, innint?)

To insert the ignition key, rotate the wheel to the right by 90°
Then, right click in the marked area:

You can turn this key forward with left click, and backward with right click. To remove the key, you press right click again.

After the first turn, the battery gets activated, the bus comes to life.
There is a short delay after activating the battery, to allow every system to power on fully before starting the engine.

To start the engine, turn the key twice in the forward direction.
IMPORTANT: Have your bus in N (Neutral) to be able to start it!

After starting the bus, you need to put it in gear.

To do this, click either button.
D: Drive forwards
N: Neutral
R: Reverse

To change from D to R, and vice versa, you need to press N first!

You can see the current direction on the button panel, and the current gear on the driver info screen in the middle.

To turn on any button, you need to left click it.
To turn it off, you need to right click it.

That’s it in means of upgrades to this vehicle.


DKK futár is the destination/announcer system in Dunatőke, every bus has this.
Using the system may be confusing at first so I recommend reading this section multiple times.

Button layout:

Destination explanation:

Setting your destination

  • Step 1:
    Find your route and destination
  • Step 2:
    If it’s correct, press ENT
    In a few seconds, this should come up:

This means that your destination has been set, and you are ready to drive.

To clear your destination, press CLR
Next stop announcements are automatic on all routes.

Announcement mode
To switch between announcement and destination modes, press the MODE button.

Playing an announcement

  • Step 1:
    Switch into announcement mode
  • Step 2:
    Find your announcement (selecting works the same way as destination mode)
  • Step 3:
    Press ENT to play your announcement.

The retro destination system for DKK.

This system is only found on HAF SD2SZ-B vehicles, if chosen at spawning.

Images above show a correctly set 1Y route with retro system

To use:
-Turn the knobs to the desited number/letter for your destination.
-If required, enable the backlight with the switch on the left.
(To turn the knobs clockwise and the backlight switch on, left click them;
To turn the knobs counter-clockwise and the backlight switch off, right click them)

With this system, you can make custom destinations and routes.
It is NOT advised to abuse this system, if you get reported with an inappropiate destination, you will get punished.

SECTION 4C; “FOK - GYEM flipdot system”:
The most realistic destination system in DKK, and as of 2024, on ROBLOX.

After spawning your vehicle, and the system booted up, you will get the following screen

The only thing you can do here, is press JÁRATSZÁM

After that, the route entering menu appears. Due to ROBLOX limitations, you can only enter routes that exist in the game, and also some special ones, which will be listed later.

For this guide, I will take routue 1Y as an example.
-To enter the route, press 1 to type in the number.
-Press shift to enable letter entry

-Using the arrow keys, find Y, then press the circle button to confirm it.

–You can see if you have confirmed the letter in the following ways:
—The shift light has gone out
—The letter is no longer in bold

If you want to make your route an EXPRESS route, press the star key!

If the entered route is correct, press ENTER

This screen will appear, where you can choose which terminus you want to go to.
To select your terminus, press the corresponding button on the side.

Now, the system will update all the screens with your route.

Clearing your screen:

Press CLEAR / TÖRLÉS on the keypad

(In this menu, only the screen clearing works (2))
-Press 2 to clear your screen
-After it has cleared your screens, you will be put back to the main menu.

System info:
-The system automatically goes to the next stop when all the doors on the vehicle are closed. If you skip a stop, you can manually go the next stop by pressing MEGÁLLÓ
-On a related note, at a terminus, the system automatically switches the route direction after closing your doors on the terminus. If it doesn’t flip, you can manually do that with the CÉL button.

Special routes:
[route code]; [sign text]
NSZ; Nem szállít utasokat // Not in service
MP; Műszaki pihenő // On break
G; Garázsmenet // To the depot
K; Képzés // Training

Interacting with passengers is part of the everyday life of a bus driver.

Ticket selling
When a passenger requests a ticket, this is how you sell it to them:

There you go! You sold a ticket.

Force disembarking a passenger
If you think that a passenger doesn’t belong on your bus, you are permitted to force disembark them.

  • Step 1:
    Go up to the passenger, and ask them politely to get off the bus.

  • Step 2:
    If they don’t ask again, and also mention calling the police.

  • Step 3:
    If they continue ignoring you, call the police via the “!help” command.


You need to stop at a stop if…
…there is a stop request;
…there is someone at the stop.

If there there are only people getting on, only open the first door.
If there are only people getting off, only open the doors which have stop requests on them.

Always slow down when approaching a stop!


In-game timetable system usage:
This system consists of 2 items from your toolbox:

  • Timetable
  • Timetable holder

To place your timetable, you need to place the holder first:
Correctly placed timetable holder

  • Doesn’t obstruct your view of the road
  • Timetable that has been place in it doesn’t clip trough anything
  • Easily accessible for viewing from the driver

On this image, you can see a correctly placed holder

To set a route, click the highlighted area on the timetable

Click on the route and terminus to bring up the departure screen:

Here, you can enter the departure time, or leave it blank if you depart immediately.
Then, press confirm.

And, you are done setting the route!

This game is not finished, so will have animation delays, which cause some players to see the door of the bus open/half-open. DO NOT REPORT THIS AS A BUG, BECAUSE IT’S NOT MY FAULT!

SECTION 8; VIP server info:

VIP server owner panel:
Bus spawn and server settings are available here.
In the bus spawn page, you can spawn the SHIFT STOCK of the game (stock is here: DKK shift stock - Google Sheets)
How to use it?
First, wait for every player to load on the left side, then click the player you want to spawn a vehicle for, then enter the license plate of the vehicle that you want to spawn. For example, you want to spawn AFF - 651, so you enter AFF651 into the license plate box. !!THIS SYSTEM IS CAPS SENSITIVE!!

Spawn system has a 10 second cooldown, to ensure every vehicle spawns correctly.
When spawning, make sure to have enough clearance for the vehicle to spawn.
The vehicle spawn at your head.

Server settings page:
Player spawn permit:
Green: Players can spawn as passengers and spawn vehicles using the automatic spawn system
Red: Players can’t spawn as passengers, or spawn vehicles

Training mode:
Green: Allows everyone to interact with everything
Red: Normal ranklock

Server lock:
Green: Everyone can join
Red: Staff and admins can join only


DKK_REALTIME: Enables or disables the realtime synch, so you can use the :time command. Takes true or false

DKK_RAIN: Enables or disables rain in the game. Has a cooldown of 5 minutes. Takes true or false

DKK_DELETEVEH: Deletes a certain vehicle. You need to enter the vehicle you want to be deleted, like if you are spawning one. For example, you want to delete AFF - 651, then you do :DKK_DELETEVEH AFF651
Notifies the driver of the deleted vehicle about deletion.

DKK_DELETEALLVEH: Deletes EVERY vehicle spawned in the server. You need to type :DKK_DELETEALLVEH all as a safety precaution

DKK_CHANGEVEHOWNER: Change a vehicle’s owner. You need to enter the vehicle you want to be changed, like if you are spawning one. For example, you want to change AFF - 651, then you do :DKK_CHANGEVEHOWNER AFF651 (New owners !!USERNAME!!)
It is caps sensitive for username as well.
Notifies the previous and new owner of the vehicle about the change.

DKK_GETVEHOWNER: Retrieves the owner of a vehicle.