DMCA Counterclaim Review Response Time


Does anyone have prior experience with filing a counterclaim notice on the platform? How long did the review of the counter-notice itself take (i.e. Roblox determining if the counter-notice is “valid” before forwarding it to the submitter of the takedown notice)? It’s been almost two weeks since I sent my counter-notice to the copyright agent email without any response aside from the acknowledgement email and I’m not sure if this is an expected amount of time to wait or not.

Update 4/21/22: Posting a general timeline of events so far for people who find this topic in the future and are wondering the same thing:
Feb 17: Received notification from Roblox regarding DMCA takedown, requested original notice and enrolled in remediation program same day
Feb 18: Received original DMCA takedown notice and confirmation of remediation program enrolment
Mar 4: Sent formal counterclaim notice, received confirmation of receipt email same day
Mar 5: Received original DMCA takedown notice again (???)
Mar 10: Followed up on counterclaim notice
Mar 12: Followed up on counterclaim notice, no response
Mar 18: Followed up on counterclaim notice
Mar 20: Received follow-up from Roblox to Mar 18 email stating that the "counter-notification is in process of being reviewed and has been forwarded to the complainant"
Mar 28: Received follow-up from Roblox to Mar 10 email stating that the “email is in process of being reviewed” (???)
Apr 4: Followed up on counterclaim notice (2 weeks, ~10 business days since Mar 20)
Apr 5: Received follow-up from Roblox stating that the “counter-notification is in process of being reviewed and has been forwarded to the complainant”
Apr 18: Followed up on counterclaim notice (4 weeks, >14 business days since Mar 20)
Apr 20: Sent follow up on content restoration through Roblox Support (DMCA > Other Site Claim)
Apr 21: Received follow-up from Roblox to Apr 18 email stating that content was restored, content was indeed restored.

Time for counter-notice to be acknowledged: ~1 day or less
Time for counter-notice to be reviewed, deemed valid, and forwarded to complainant: at least 16 days
Time for content to be restored: ~1 month (20 business days…)

All in all, it took about a month and a half from start to finish to file a counterclaim and get my content restored. It may be longer or shorter depending on the nature of your content.


I’ve never filled a counter claim against a DMCA, but Roblox Moderation does take a while to respond. On simple bugs, I’ve waited up to a week. I wouldn’t be surprised if it could be up to a month before your counterclaim is denied or accepted.

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I have this same experience too. My game was taken down for using Brookhaven map without his permission. I submitted a counter-noticed to remind them that I removed that map and explained why I imported it in the first place. Its been 15 days since my game got under reviewed. I didn’t thought this DMCA stuff takes longer than I expected. Thank you for sharing your experience about these stuffs.

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I am also in the same boat, but Roblox states that it takes up to 14 business days for the request.