DMCA says warning do I still get a strike

This would be my second strike but it said [WARNING] Ip violation.

It did not say in email this is my second strike so im kinda confused.

Can you please show me the warning? I’m quite confused about this as well.

I dont know if it was a strike or just a warning before strike.

No, it’s a warning, not a strike.

If you keep on violating IP and DMCA you may get a strike, which is usually a termination.

THANK GOD, dude you dont understand I was having a panic attack, cus I have one strike and I was scared I may have something on my profile that would be dmacable.

Wait what?

I don’t really get what you mean.

You already had something DMCA’able, which is the asset that you uploaded that was violating the IP.

You got warned for it. You may get your account terminated if you keep on doing that.

Check your creations and see if you have uploaded other content/assets that would be DMCA’able or that violates the IP.

Im saying maybe I had others and was scared if I dident know.

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Actually, there may be other content uploaded on your account that is DMCAable and you don’t realize.

Just check your creations and see if you have DMCAable content