for those who are looking for the manual… it has moved.
the intended structure of the guide is against community guidelines.
If you ever been to a theatre, disco, or festival you have seen these massive lighting setups.
festivals like Summerfest, Woodstock, or massive theatres like The Sydney Opera House all use Dmx to steer their lights.
DmxP (short for Dmx Project) aims to bring that system to Roblox.
a system where you can pick up lights from different suppliers mixes them with your favorite console to steer the lights and you are set.
(Open Air Theatre Stage)
(Open Air Theatre Stage, roof lights)
(small 8 channel stage)
the goal of DmxP is to make a system that is easy to use, modular and fun.
teach new people and maybe even close the gap between where you are now and real-life light technicians (disclaimer: i am not a real-life light tech)
— outdated----
the first comment will teach you the basics of Dmx (the real deal). (no scripting required)
this won’t teach you fully the Dmx System, but enough so you can understand the background of DmxP
then we will guide you on how to use DmxP in your projects (no scripting required)
the next post will be about how you can create your own lights (a little bit of scripting required)
and the final post is about how you can create your own controllers (a lot of scripting required)
the tutorial is still in the making but you can check it out as i develop it here → DmxP Stage Light - Roblox