Do a username sweep!

As a first step only accounts that have never even been used should be deleted.

You know, the 50 alts you created because you thought of a cool name or got banned for a day and then forgot the username and password.


I`m thinking 4 years and up of inactivity should do the trick, or better yet, if the account hasn’t been used for more than one week since its creation, and its over a year old, wipe that too.

Seriously that would wipe clean SOOOOO many names, and I can not see one complaint from this. I doubt someone will go “DUDE I made that account a year ago and planned on using it today! What have you done!” or “DUDE! I made that account 4 years ago! I was about to use it!”

It would be cool if these names got swiped.


Some people have accounts that are several years old, but where the password is forgotten.
Some people would be very happy to be remembered about them, with password, of course.

[quote] Some people have accounts that are several years old, but where the password is forgotten.
Some people would be very happy to be remembered about them, with password, of course. [/quote]

I have 2 2008 accounts I forgot the password to. I would much rather them just reset the account names so I can fetch them again instead of wasting their names hoping that I remember a 6 year old password.

The Roblox Admins do use old usernames that are inactive… why can’t we?

[size=1]cough Games cough[/size]


And wipe inactive account without emails attached

The first namechange should be free, and only the rest should cost. Many games/forums/website do this actually, it works pretty well.

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So, a few suggestions from other people I saw when reading through this thread that I like:

[li]Old names can only be bought, not taken by new accounts.[/li]
[li]Sweeps for accounts with low log-in count.[/li]
[li]Potential auctioning based on account worth.[/li]
My only real concern is I know some people, even though they quit, would like their account to remain untouched just for memories sake. Granted, the number of those people are probably low compared to the number of accounts unused, but just a thought.

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I think that if their account has been banned, the name should not be freed.

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