I modeled a giant snake and animated it using the standard roblox animation editor. The animations all play great at the scale they were built at, but at other scales they become less accurate to what I expected them to look at.
That gyazo gif shows the model with animations being played on it. They are scaled as 10%, 50%, 100%, and 200% in that respective order from left to right. The animation was created on the 100% scale model. I know that character animations seem to work properly at any different scale on the character model; so I was wondering what if anyone had any idea what I might be doing wrong. The model is rigged with Motor6D’s and the motor6d’s are oriented in the same position on each model respective to the parts they join.
This next gif displays just the animation rig, with the white stationary part being the humanoidrootpart for each of them.
It looks like there was an issue with the scaling of your model and how that affected the Motor6D properties. Do the scaled models look fully correct without the animations playing (specifically the animated parts such as the tongue)?
The animations are simply offset and rotation data for each joint, and this does not change based on what rig you are using.
The effect of this is essentially that rotations scale (not really, but since the relative positions of the motors scale, an animation using only rotations will look the same at any size), but position/offset does not, as a 1 stud offset up will always be 1 stud for that animation, even if the parts it’s attached to are twice as big, or half the size.
AFAIK there is no way around this, you’ll just have to manually fix the animation for the smaller rigs. It would be possible to script a plugin that does this automatically, but I don’t think one currently exists.