Hey there, I was wondering if there was a decal to part plugin for my build. This is the image I am wanting to convert.
I saw a video on how to do this in blender, but I have never once used blender. Do these type of plugins exist? Thank you.
Hey there, I was wondering if there was a decal to part plugin for my build. This is the image I am wanting to convert.
They don’t, roblox havent added any feature that does that.
It can be done using third party services (outside roblox)
Currently no. But is it possible? Somehow.
Its not possible in roblox though.
It can be, if someone uses an api to convert image.
Roblox have apis too, which lets your create models and upload it to your account.
But its complicated, and you have to find an api which converts image to an 3d object.
Yeah that would be possible but you probably would have to use the asset delivery api. (correct me if im wrong)
No need to worry, we have noblox.js
Just make an alt account, get your alt acc cookie then login.
Then upload the model using nobloxjs.uploadModel()
After that when the model is uploaded, you can use InsertService:LoadAsset(modelId)
To insert that converted image into a model in studio.
Is there a plugin that converts your image to a mesh, a collection of parts or unions? No, at least not yet. (as far as I know)
But can someone actually transform that image into a mesh? Yes, here’s how.
There most likely are a lot of methods to do this, but I’ll explain how to do it using an SVG curve generated from the image as a base for the mesh.
So, the first thing that you need to do is to convert the image you have to a SVG file format.
I used this site, and after converting your image i got these results.
As you can see, the result is a bit bumpy and has sharp weird edge deformations. This is because a PNG file uses pixels to store information about the image, but an SVG file stores the information as a set of curves and lines precisely defining the objects shape
You can see how trying to get smooth curves from a rasterized PNG image could be difficult. So we have to do manual work to fix up the svg in blender.
It’s a built in blender plugin that you can enable by going to Edit>Preferences>Add-ons and searching for “SVG” and enable the first result. This plugin will allow you to import SVG files.
After the plugin is enabled, go to File>Import and select “Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg)”
Then, select the SVG file you got from the conversion website and import it.
Now we can finally start working on the mesh itself.
Make sure you have the mesh selected in the explorer by clicking the curve and making sure it’s selected:
Now, press S and drag the mouse to scale up the SVG, since by default it’s really small.
You can zoom into any major bumps you see and remove, move and turn vertices to smooth out the outline.
If you rotate any vertices, make sure you rotate it only around the Z (vertical) axis by pressing R (rotate) and Z (around the Z axis).
here’s a preview of how that should look https://gyazo.com/9d5ed8f169dd92c30029e0237e12a3d8
Repeat this on all the bumpy parts of the mesh until they look good.
After you have cleaned up the SVG, convert it to a mesh by selecting the SVG object, and going to Object>Convert>Mesh
Now the curve object has been converted to a mesh object, but if you press Tab, you will notice that the geometry of the object is absolute trash and wouldn’t be good for anything really.
First, extrude the mesh down, because to remesh it, the modifier needs a volume to work with.
Select all the verticies in edit mode and extrude them down with E
After that, go into edit mode, go to modifiers and add a “Remesh” modifier with these settings:
When the mesh looks good visually, go to the remesh modifier, go to the little dropdown arrow to the left of the X button, click the dropdown, and click apply.
Now, the mesh has way more geometry which is bad, but all of the geometry is in quads (faces with 4 vertices, basically squares) which is really good.
How do we get rid of all this unwanted geometry?
Add a decimate modifier from the modifier tab with these settings:
Apply that, and then add yet another decimate modifier with these settings to get the mesh to a game-ready state:
With this decimation process, we reduced vertex count from ~200k to ~1k while keeping roughly the same visual fidelity.
Select the mesh, go to edit mode, select all vertices, and go to Face>Shade smooth
Now the mesh will look weird, but that’ s because we have set no angle limit to the smooth surface shading.
So, to fix this, tick the box and set the angle to roughly 35 degrees.
Now the mesh should have sharp edges, but smoothed surfaces in the curved parts
Now you are done!
Export the mesh, import it into roblox, and you can use it in game as much as you want and it shouldn’t harm performance at all.
Here’s the mesh ID if you decide to just skip over all the stuff i’ve written here
I hope this helped. Good luck.