Basically I’m thinking about replacing some thin parts in my game with decals.
Let’s say I have a table, and there’s a thin paper on it.
So instead of having a part laying as the paper, I could just put a decal instead.
Does it change the performance?
Is it even efficient?
Thanks for reading
(Sorry I don’t click on links)
This is what i’m talking about, you insert a part, put a decal onto that part
make an entirely new decal fit just for the table
Yeah, the decal is fit for the table.
Is it bad though? I also asked my friend and they said that because decals only have 1 face it takes less performance, unlike a part which has multiple faces and is 3D.
This is not quite true. Decals still have a memory impact due to needing to cache the texture on the client in order for it to be rendered, so there’s a sweet spot of sorts for where a decal is more efficient than parts. Where that is varies on several factors - ranging from texture resolution to the type of parts being used.