Does the title of a Roblox game affect how many people will find the game when searching or in the discover page? Or are things like thumbnail, icon, description or game content more important?
I’m asking this because my game title is very simple and a lot of games use it or have a similar title. (My game is called Ninja Simulator)
Game title matters. It’s the second impression a player gets right after the icon, which in return makes the player decide whether or not to play the game.
I feel that in terms of discoverability, texts that are on your game matter, like the title and the description. However, if we’re talking about getting Players to actually click on the game, then pretty much all of the aspects matter, from the title, description, icon and thumbnail.
I don’t see anything that needs major changes about your title. You have 1-2 emojis, and your game title is simple and says what the game is already about when a Player looks at it.
Game titles are one of the most important things associated with your Roblox game. You don’t want it too long or too short for it to be forgettable, but you also want it to not use clunky words so it rolls off the tongue nicely.
It’s not an easy metric because so many factors go into deciding if a person decides to play or not - and everyone’s different.
For me, the visuals are the most important. Does the game icon look nice? Is it different from all the other game icons? Does the icon tell me what the game is?
Next of course is the title, but even then I don’t think it matters that much. Keep it short, simple, and memorable. The game description comes next, and that one you want to spend less characters explaining the game and more characters making people feel what the game is. Make it a cliffhanger, so players might feel obliged to play the game and find out what happens.
I think the title looks good, the emojis give it a nice touch. I’m curious, how many people it says sees your game on search now, and if you tried changing one or two words and measured again?
Hmmm mine is an obby, barely gets 230 a day, but when i started it was consistent at 20 so i wanted yo say that if you try a different combo of icon and title and let it run for 24hs You can check analytics the next day and figure out a better title. Bottomline it does matter and its easy to verify so good luck and happy hunting:)
Game titles do indeed matter, they help players get what your game is about and they are one of the deciding factors on if a user decides to play your game since that is the second thing outside of the game icon they can make a judgement off of. It’s best to keep your title well made and structure it with your updates so players know when updates happen more frequently to help a return player base who may not know changes have been made and were previously bored from a previous update. Keep the titles fresh with each update with the brackets similar to in your post.