Do I have to Refund a Player if Their Content Breaks Roblox TOS?

Hello Developers,

I am thinking about added UGC (User-Generated-Content) in my experience. I am planning on charging users Robux (to prevent spamming) to request to upload their creation to an in-experience marketplace.

But if I find that said user’s content breaks my Rules and Roblox’s Terms Of Service, after they already paid the fee, would I get banned? And do I have to refund the user?

Roblox has no official “refund” policy, other than if you as the owner, get audio rejected, you get x% of the money back.

For in-game items, there are no “rules” or “refund” policies, that require you as the owner of the game to take action, other than to “delete” content that breaks ToS.

Roblox does have some rules against withdrawing rewards for selling game passes or dev products, but that’s all we know.


You would not need to refund the user, nor can they request a refund, as long as you make it clear what they can and cannot do before uploading their creations. If you don’t, you still would not need to refund the user, however, they may be able to report you for this issue as you did not clarify what they could do, or that their items will get deleted. Basically you need a small terms of service that the user needs to agree to before uploading their creation for the best of all sides.

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I would be careful allowing users to upload UGC to your game, not sure if it still applies under the current ToS, but you would be responsible for the content if someone reports it in your game.

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Yeah, I am very aware that I am responsible for what content is uploaded to my experience.

The idea is the user pays a fee to upload their content, then said content is sent into “Pending Moderation” in which a moderator (me) takes the correct action.

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