Do I have to tell players the exact chance of getting each pet?

Hello. If players have a 16.6666667% chance of hatching a type of pet, can I just say 17% or 16% chance?

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You can say 16.67* lol if you want to be precise.

Well, I would imagine you would round up. That’s usually what I see people doing.

I believe you need to show the exact chances, but why use such a large decimal number for chances anyways? I feel like that is kind of stupid, as it just makes it harder to script.

Keep the exact chance in storage, for computation etc.

For display purposes, i.e what the player will see, you can round them off to 16% or 17%.

I would suggest you round this to up to two decimal places. There’s no point including the entire number and most players won’t even know what the recurring sign means, so I wouldn’t bother with that.