Do I need to filter text for a plugin, if so how would I go about doing it?

Hello, recently me and my friend have started working on a plugin that allows users to chat using the plugin within studio no matter what game they are editing. However, we have come across an issue regarding filtering.

Do we need to filter the text? (Text is shown to anyone that has the plugin open)
If so, how would we go about achieving this since you cannot use FilterStringAsync in studio.


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I am pretty sure the creator of Collaborative Notes Plugin had the same issue and just was like “well if this Roblox filtering function doesn’t work properly and they don’t let me filter it, I still tried so it is not my fault,” however, they also do use a custom filter.

I am not quite sure if “chat plugins” are even necessarily allowed? I don’t know.

My suggestion? Do what they did. Try to use any available Roblox filtering available and if not possible, make a custom filter. Good luck with the plugin.

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