Do I start over?

I am currently working on a little project, the whole objective of it was for me to learn Lua in ROBLOX while progressing with the project. Currently I have hit a roadblock and am lost but I am questioning weather I should just start over again.

From starting to now I have definitely learned a lot, it seems that by just making a start and getting help along the way works, but I feel that by restarting from scratch could help me consolidate that and even improve the current state of my game.

Does anyone have any experience where starting over works better than continuing or any other helpful tips?


If this was your first project with scripting, I suggest Yes, since the main objective was to learn lua, your old code might be inefficient or cause bugs.
You might’ve already learnt a lot enough to improve most of your current code, starting over with a better experience can make your project much better and efficient.
I personally have a lot of old code that when I try to read, I don’t even understand it because it’s so old, I’ve been scripting for over 2 years and I still improve my skills and learn new stuff every day, so don’t start over whenever you improve, but whenever you feel like you’ve improved much much more than your previous skills, and that you can make your code much better now.


If you think that you can do better, and if this something that you can do without regretting it then 100% yes! because this can be a chance for you to actually compare what you do after learning some Roblox Lua, to what you started before learning. Try it out.

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I think that if you are learning then if you believe that your current approach fundamentally has issues then look for another way its best to not give up, but try the way you believe is better.

While learning this is the approach I have used, this method of learning allows you to find new ways that other people have overlooked, don’t just go with the most popular methods used as often they can be outdated. Another thing is that if you are trying to use someone else’s method, they might have missed the fundamental intentions of certain abilities or characteristics of functions leading to a bystander script, I don’t like that, your learning from the start so you may as well do it properly.

If you need an example my datastore script is so advanced that it can surpass datastore2, its now capable of: saving models, Saving and arranging lists, Sorting Parts by distance from a position, Datastore Networking (Linked data for infinite stores), automatically managed save que, cross server communication, managing active servers (Version, JobID, Players, Uptime and Running stats)

If you need a little direction just message me and Ill help where I can.