Do invisible GUI still affect the user?

Sorry, i don’t really know where to post this topic. Do invisible GUIs still affect the user? So for example, you make a GUI, but make the textLabel background transparent and the text transparent. If it was covered over the mobile jump button, will it affect it?

If you change the visibility to false then it wouldn’t effect the player. They can’t interact with the gui unless it’s scripted to turn visible or an exploiter manages to get a backdoor to open it

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If the Visible property of an object is turned off, it will have no behaviors of that object. This includes built-in behaviors with events that run if the mouse presses a button, rendering behaviors so you won’t see that object, etc.


Not sure exactly why you’d set the gui’s background and text’s transparency to 1 if you can set the whole object’s Visible property, as @KrampusX12 said.

However, no, TextLabels will not interfere with GuiButtons (including mobile’s jump button) regardless of their transparency. But other GuiButtons will affect other stuff: if their ZIndex is high enough, they will cover other buttons (like those of mobile users), making them unclickable, again, independently of its transparency.