For some reason you can delete UGC items from your inventory. In contrast, you cannot delete Roblox-created accessories, so it seems like you shouldn’t be able to delete UGC either.
As somebody who has played Roblox for five years, I’ve seen lots of different exploits and lots of new methods to literally ruin peoples experience. But this is one of the most terrible things I’ve seen in 2 years. It’s just a terrible thing that could happen if your account was compromised. Especially when it’s one of those expensive items. It’s not fun to lose items that YOU paid for.
What if you have the really expensive UGC and that just got deleted? i.e.
You wouldn’t want to spend 10,000 robux again on a sword.
(I don’t have many UGC but you get the point)
Please make sure this issue is addressed. People would have less things to worry about if they are compromised.
Thank you.