Do not move forward with the new privacy policy

Well let’s be realistic here. Everything these days is either opt-out or forced no matter what. I’d rather have the option to opt-out than to have no option at all. This is why I appreciate the EU when they force companies to make changes, however that company technically only needs to make those changes for the EU, it’s just that sometimes those changes are easier and cheaper to do globally rather than on a per-country basis. The US is still very far behind politically on this front.


Oh yes, don’t get me wrong. I definitely agree that there should be an opt-out option rather than being forced to it.


But this isnt requesting a feature :derp: (don’t take this seriously)

It really does seem absolutely evident how that ever since Roblox became a Public company things have gotten a lot worse on the site. It’s astounding, its like night and day.

It’s even worse…
If you try to get to the support page and use your Right Of Access, you will be:

  1. Get filled on with captchas (you will need to make hard captchas 10 times)
    Captcha Preview

  2. If you manage to get to the captchas you will probably be granted with a sweet, very incredible and totally coincidental, error screen.
    Cool error screen


I didn’t actually share my experience with ROA here. It’s way more of a pain than it’s worth to be honest. They’ll bug you to find literally any email that was ever linked to your account, then ask for your ID. I sent a passive aggressive email saying how I won’t be sending my ID over and I got something along the lines of “You’re not required to send it over because you previously verified your identity”. If I wasn’t required to why was I asked in the first place? Seems like they’re gatekeeping hardly useful information (despite its name the document is just a list of some data they have on you, not all of your data/info on their servers currently Just keep some old giftcards on hand and youll be good to go.

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This is most likely the reason for roblox removing user ads. This is exactly why AdBlock is a thing.

I hate how AI is being integrated in the wrong ways for every company. (e.g. Adobe’s newest T.O.S being vague about what they will do with user’s information & documents)

AI was originally made for good intentions, but companies and individuals are making them for the worse. With AI being added to some company’s resources, that somehow gives them the right to spy on their own users. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I find it outrageous on how that’s justified for companies to do this. I really hope that something like the EU fights for user privacy in the future when it comes to AI.

I really hope Roblox reconsiders their decision with this new AI policy. However, I have my doubts because Roblox and other companies rarely listen to their users feedback. Roblox and others should really be transparent when making decisions. Me and many others heavily disagree with this new rule change.


You guys even read the policy^_^

Uh oh!

Just a reminder to everyone that this is opt-out. If you actually read the changes, it specifically mentions the following:

“Creators will have the ability to control their data sharing preferences for what assets will be used for training generative AI-based tools, such as for Experiences, paid Creator Store assets, and avatars and avatar items.”

There’s no option to prevent Roblox from using my data without deleting my account.

Please correct me if I’m mistaken, but I haven’t found any form that allows me to request that Roblox not use my data for AI purposes.

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sure, they say that you can opt out, and there’s a page currently letting you opt out of code collection, but the legal terms now give them the right to do so without your explicit consent. they’ve also now rolled out the new terms, which means you’re required to accept them before using the Roblox website.


These controls do not appear to exist yet.

Some more information can be found here:

This is a very good point. I looked at the top of the page to see that it says the ToS is effective as of yesterday, despite the controls to opt-out not already being there. I’d like to give Roblox the benefit of the doubt here, but it’s clearly a dangerous thing that they’ve done. Other companies are getting called out for bad practices like this, where the option to opt-out doesn’t exist until after you’ve agreed to everything and made an account.

The only good thing I can say is that this appears to be opt-in rather than opt-out, at least for the time being.

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Every website needs to disclose data for ads, that’s how ads work. They aren’t selling your data they are using it to select which ads show up for the immersive ad program.

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