Sunsetting User Ads and improvements to Sponsored Experiences

Hi Creators,

Last year, we shared our plans to permanently remove User Ads to make ads on Roblox more relevant and integrated with the user experience while also working towards simplifying and consolidating all Roblox ad purchasing to Ads Manager.

Today, we’re sharing the timeline for sunsetting User Ads and ways we’re testing to improve Sponsored Experiences and ultimately make them a better and more effective solution to advertise your experience to potential users.

Key Dates For Sunsetting User Ads

  • June 16, 2024: Last day advertisers can create new User Ads.
  • June 17, 2024: Last day User Ads will be displayed on Roblox.
  • July 31, 2024: Advertisers can access previous User Ads campaign reporting and data on the User Ads page until this date.

To advertise your experience on Roblox, you can use Ads Manager to buy Sponsored Experiences. Sponsored Experiences will continue to be a core way creators can advertise their experiences on Roblox and we want them to be more personalized and compelling to help you drive better ROI of your ad investment.

In the past month, we elevated the Sponsored sort to a higher placement on Home and added more targeting options. Since testing*, on average, we have seen a significant increase in ad impressions, clicks, plays, and a significant decrease in cost per play.

In addition to that, we will be testing 16:9 thumbnails for the Sponsored Experiences sort in the coming months. We know there’s more work to be done to add more features in Ads Manager and improve the UI so it is straightforward for you to create, optimize, and measure your ads. We will provide more information on these improvements in future posts.

*Note: Test data was collected after April 1, 2024, and is based on the daily average per ad served.

Updates to the discoverability of your experiences

As we look ahead, sunsetting User Ads unlocks additional real estate on the homepage, which provides users with more opportunities to discover your experiences. We’ve also been testing a series of changes across our key surfaces to improve your experiences’ discoverability. This includes the new curated Today’s Picks sort on Home, larger 16:9 thumbnails on Home, and an enhanced discover page with top charts and new sorts.

These updates are a part of the work we’re doing to make the Discovery Vision we shared earlier this year a reality.

We strive to match your experiences with the right audiences through various means. We want you to continue to have the agency to promote your experiences via Sponsored Experiences alongside the recommendations made via our Discovery system, curation, as well as on-going community events spanning Roblox discovery surfaces (Home, Discover, Search and Notifications).

Thank you.



Where are User Ads currently shown on Roblox?

  • User Ads are currently only visible on > Home

How does the removal of User Ads impact users who used them to promote Groups, paid access experiences or virtual items?

  • Unfortunately, users will no longer be able to promote Groups or paid access experiences. However, our team is continuously exploring ways to improve groups discovery and more ways to advertise on Roblox.

  • Users can advertise their virtual items using Sponsored Items. We are continuing to look at ways to improve this feature.


This topic was automatically opened after 10 minutes.

So what will happen to >13 users? Will they just not be able to advertise their games?


I can’t help but feel that this change will cause Roblox to lose even more of its soul. One of my favorite things as a kid was all the funny ads you’d see. Half the time they wouldn’t even say anything about the game they were advertising, they’d just be a joke or something.


Why were these ways not explored before removing the ability to advertise groups entirely?


RIP Roblox Ads, it was always a charm to see the various groups promoted via Ads.


The Ads Manager has a Robux Credit option.


oh it does? thanks for letting me know, sorry for the reply then. i guess i just hadn’t caught on. sorry


On the subject of marketing, can we please have trailers that are longer than 30 seconds?!


You had all that time to look over this limitation. What benefits are there to removing these abilities? Is it really necessary, and why?

Also, I’m surprised they haven’t added a banner saying
“We’re pleased to announce starting June 18, Roblox will be an Ad-Free environment”


Tis a bit unfortunate, I feel like User Ads was a small key experience to the site.


I wasn’t aware of the fact that paid access experiences cannot be sponsored. Why is that


Just let Paid-Access games use the existing feature. WHY are there so many limits on Paid-Access? Robux limit of 1,000, not allowed on Xbox, and a bunch of other restrictions that COULD be simplified to make Paid-Access a more viable main monetization strategy.

Since it’s not, I feel forced to implement monetization strategies I disagree with, else be put down by the algorithm.

shouting at a void here, I know, but might as well…


Feedback completely ignored. Got it.


Very disappointing update to say the least


Best-ever example right here:


I remember roblox was exploring ways to sponsor groups a while ago, I really liked the ideas they came up with, why didnt they just use this:



Can we have a moment of silence for one of the most impactful Roblox features ever, please?


The UX of the Ads Manager is absolutely horrific. The site doesn’t work at all on mobile and is barely usable on every other platform. It doesn’t match the design of the other creator sites and having to horizontal scroll to see details is awful. To make matters worse the website literally says the ad manager is in beta and yet it is being forced for any type of sponsorship on Roblox. Roblox is such a bureaucratic bloated company, I’m confident a startup with 5% of the resources could move 5x faster.

Not to mention all the functional issues that have been reported.

Will keep saying it until I see actual change (not just future promises).


It’ll be such a shame I’ll never get to run my own advertisements again. Here were mine for a joke game on April Fools’ Day 5 years ago, days before I abandoned it because of personal issues: