Do Roblox Sponsers/Ads actually work?

Since I finished my game pretty recently, I’ve been playing around with the advertising/sponsering system a little and it seems that I always get a really really low ctr(lower than 0.05%) and really low play rate. I’m wondering if the system itself isn’t that great for getting the game out to players or is it the fact that I’m bidding too little money(I use 500 robux per bid)? I looked out at previous posts, but there are really mixed answers, and I am genuinely at a lost for what I should do next. What do you guys think? I am worried that if I just throw in $100 worth of robux it will just go down the drain(I’ve seen posts of stuff of like this happening on devforum).

From personal experience, ads are not really worth it anymore. I can prove this as a Roblox player and developer. As a Roblox player, I haven’t clicked on an ad in at least a year. I recommend using other methods, such as social media, maybe even try sponsoring, don’t know much about it. And yes, 100-500 is way too little, you’re gunna need more for these methods.

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Both sponsering and using ads gave me lower than 0.05% ctr. My logic is that even if I increase the bid amount, the ctr will stay fixed. Mann this is frustrating. I spent 8 months making a game just to be stuck here lol.

I’ve been in your position, I still haven’t figured it out. Social media feels like the best way to go.

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