Do strikes on your roblox account expire?

I recently figured out what your next punishment is going to be if you get banned after your last, you can check it if you currently are banned, For me it is 7 days, Anyways that is not the point, to discuss why i got banned, if I was in the right or the wrong.

(^ my next punishment)

Basically, you can do this by just looking into network packets on the get request for not-approved in response packets.

I was wondering if these expire, I feel like they should and roblox should adopt something like discord’s new Account Standing feature, where you can see your account limiting and such, and how bad is your standing, This would be good for chat related bans to, because if it is a repeated behavior, take their chat and such. Anyways if someone wants to make that a feature request, please do, anyways, I am ranting, so do these expire?

Here is a video on how to check also

EDIT: I was not banned for exploiting, it was a chat related issue, or as roblox calls it “discrimination”, If you want to know the full reason, DM me.


No, strikes against your Roblox account do not expire.

Reopening this as the previous solution was false.

If not they should. Cuz I shouldn’t be accountable for something I did 5 years ago.


If you’re referring to my comment, then you’re the one who is wrong. Roblox (ban) strikes do not expire; they stay on record.

If you thought my response was factually wrong, why would you reopen the topic and blatantly say I was incorrect, leaving the topic open as if your looking for a different answer? Your question has two possible answers: yes, and no. My answer to the question was no, therefore you are implying the answer is yes.

I mean punishment wise, Say I got banned for 7 days, how long would I have to wait until if I get banned again, I don’t get terminated?

(Ill still give you the solution, just you never answered my original question fully)

It depends on how bad of an offense it is. If you did something minor after getting a 7 day ban, you probably won’t get banned again for even longer afterwards.

The real question is why would you be getting banned so many times?

First strike

Calling someone fatherless (deserved)

Second strike (3 Days)
An inside joke with my friends that got me auto moderated while i was in a private server

Third strike (7 Days)

In PMS with my friend, I said “Go to gaming idiot”, That was someone’s display name.

Since all are chat related, I’ve just turned to turning off my chat entirely.

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They expire, Idk why I’m getting so many notifs from this thread.

When though?

After a year of getting them, previously a month. This is confirmed by bitdancer, but may only be for exploit bans. I doubt it though.

Yes, they do.

The ban stack resets every year.

For example, let’s say you were banned today for one day for ‘harassment’.

If you violated the rules again, your account will be suspended for at least 3 days (Roblox will warn you and tell you this already, so no need to guess or figure it out).

And if you violated the rules again and were banned for 3 days, the next violation will suspend you for at least 7 days (Roblox will also warn you about that)

And if you violated the rules again and were banned for a week, the next violation will terminate your account. (You’ll be warned about that)

I, by myself, haven’t tested how true this system are, but I saw it countless times on Reddit and is confirmed by many people.

Keep in mind that there are some violations that terminates your account without a ban or a warning. Some of these violations I noticed are Child Endangerment, Self-Harm/Sucide, Creating, promoting or participating in inappropriate content or behaviour, moving/receiving stolen items, Misusing Roblox Systems, ban evasion, creating accounts just for the purpose of breaking the rules, trading, buying or selling Robux or virtual Robux outside of the Roblox website, and probably some more I forgot to list.

If your account was created one femtosecond before you do these violations, your account will still get terminated.

There are also violations which always temporarily ban your account. The only violation I’ve noticed is creating, promoting or participating in inappropriate content or behaviour related to terrorism. (This always bans you for a week)

Unauthorized/Disputed charges also was used to terminate your account, but Roblox changed it to a temporary ban, meaning if Roblox detected unauthorized/disputed charges on your account, you’ll either be banned for 6 months or a year.

And one violation that usually gives you a warning is uploading inappropriate assets. Unless you used/promoted them inside the platform, you’ll only be warned. (This is what I noticed. They may ban you if the asset were extremely inappropriate or sexual)

Also note that when a ban is successfully appealed and the ban was removed, it won’t count in the ban stack and will be removed from your moderation history.

Meaning if you appealed your three-day ban and it was approved, it won’t count in the ban stack and the next violation will still give you a three-day ban, not a seven-day ban.

After a year, the ban stack reset and you’ll start from one-day ban again.

Hope this helps!


just a side note for the insta ban reasons,
child endangerment is mostly caused by joining a crosswoods game at least for the time being.

misusing roblox systems happens so much now from audio being denied, ive gotten that from uploading basic ambience but thankfully it was only a 1 day ban. ive seen countless other people have to deal with it though.

nevertheless, this is very informative and appreciated!


Yea that’s true, but you can do it in the chat as well.

My alt was terminated just because I said i eat kidz. Roblox really thinks I eat kids lol.

And I saw someone on Reddit that got terminated because they said imdontlikelikelife. Reason? Sucide/Self-Harm.

Not that Misusing Roblox Systems ban. I meant another one, and it happens when Roblox detects you using alt accounts to avoid an enforcement action taken against your main account. This termination determined by some info and connections between accounts.

Check this guide for more information on how it works, how to prevent/avoid it and how to appeal it.

I HIGHLY recommend checking the guide and learning more about this termination because it’s happening EVERYDAY to tens of players. Countless topics on Reddit regarding this termination.

Glad I could help! :smiley:

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Roblox just changed the moderation system a little bit.

All non-exploiting bans have a 30 day stack time.

This means if you violated the rules by doing something that isn’t related to exploiting, the ban stack resets after 30 days.

But if you do exploit, the ban stack resets every year.

One more violation I read about that instantly bans you for a week is Real-Life Threats

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Yeah, I remember when i was like 12 playing with my friend in build a boat and these guys kept flinging us and he said “i can kill you in real life” and he got banned for a week LOL

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Can you send the proof that this is true? I have been banned multiple times for things I did not know were against the rules or things that weren’t and just didn’t get by appeals, and I want to make sure my account doesn’t get terminated.

I don’t know how I can prove that this is true, but head moderators on Reddit confirmed it and they tested it, and it’s confirmed by many people on Reddit.

Exploiting bans have a 365-day stack time.

If you exploited for the first time, you get one day ban.

If you did it for the second time, a three-day ban.

If you did it again for the third time, a seven-day ban.

If you did it for the fourth time, an account termination.

All these bans reset after one year.

A few weeks ago, there was someone on the DevForum who got terminated truthfully for exploiting. I asked them Were you terminated for the first time for exploiting?

They answered No, I got banned three times before getting terminated.

I know I’m replying a bit late, but roblox will also terminate your account without warning for having an inappropriate username.

I previously thought they would reset your username (reset192837127367) etc, but one of my super old alt accounts was terminated without warning, or reset of the username.

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This is true, but you can contact them and tell them you’re sorry and you’d like to reset your username. Usually they’ll accept that and ask you for your new username, or just adjust it to (reset395325255557476) automatically.