Hello, I am facing a problem. For my game I created custom characters. But it seems that the “Equipped” and “UnEqquiped” events of a tool do not work for this character.
Indeed with a default roblox character, these events work but not with my character.
If anyone would know why and how to solve this problem, I would be very grateful.
Thank you in advance
Is to create your own instance Bool value “equipped” false/true.
and when you equip the tool change the value to true, and then have a
function waiting for Character.Tool.equipped.Changed vis versa with
like @xlxAuroraxIx stated is a much better alternative. Weld the tool to the hand and
use userinputservice, this results in a smoother system.
A question: if i want to equip and unequip the sword i need to weld it to the character (weld by using "Edit Rig"plugin?) and just change trancperency like 1 if i unequiped and 0 i when equiped