All my remotes are protected with
- Cooldown check
- Apply cooldown
- Sanity check
before init.
But that does not stop the client from exhausting remotes with constantly firing the remotes and running one if statement per remote (cooldown one). Yes that is no haul to server unless you think about that they can fire up to 50 KB/s (old limit?).
There is a solution with also checking cooldowns client sided with unique ids and kicking them if they send another one while at cooldown. But is that necessary?
I did test it myself, this is the server on high exhaust (studio, there seems to be no small limit to how much data client can send)
Ping constantly going up on server side as queue keeps increasing
Other client seems unaffected by this as everything works completely fine. (apart from lag spikes and high ping visual on f9, prob caused due to everything running on the same machine.)
How much “lag” they can create? I need to know the limit to be ready for such cases. But couldn’t find any information about it.