Do we really need Akismet on a private forum?

I just had one of my posts hidden by Akismet, a bot that tries to automatically remove spam. It was a false positive, and I imagine a bot spitting out false positives for spam getting annoying pretty fast. This is a private forum, so do we really need an anti-spam bot? It seems like it will just do more harm than good.

Remove spam bot?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Noooooo – it’s so weird with your name as ghostleader ): You should change it back to Semaphorism.

I could ,but thats another 1,000 robux, which I don’t really have.

Just got the same warning for one of my posts too just because it contained an offsite link…

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Deleted one of my posts and it got marked as spam. :stuck_out_tongue: