Do you know any animation plugins that aren't confusing or broken?

Hey, I’m Frostbrytes. I’ve been trying to find a good animation plugin that isn’t confusing or broken. When I use the normal roblox animation editor, I can’t anchor the humanoid I’ve animated for things such as statues. When I use Moon animator, it’s so confusing and all the options are either confusing or don’t work out for me. Any help?

What do you mean anchor the things you’ve animated? Just set the HumanoidRootPart to anchored if you want an animation to play for a humanoid statue and the statue to stand in its current place. Alternatively, if you want a humanoid statue to stay in one animated pose (still), just play the animation and add a KeyframeMarker then do something like this:

local anim ="Animation")
anim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://" -- id here
local humanoid = -- humanoid
local myAnimationTrack = humanoid:LoadAnimation(anim) -- animation track
local pauseAnimationHere = myAnimationTrack:GetMarkerReachedSignal("PauseEvent")
-- ^ you'll have to create a KeyframeMarker

myAnimationTrack:Play() -- plays the animation
    myAnimationTrack:AdjustSpeed(0) -- stops the animation by making it 0 speed

-- side-note: make sure you set the animation priority to Action

I’m not 100% sure if this is what you’re looking for, but the Roblox Animation Editor has always done fine enough for me. I just thought you might be trying to figure out how to pause an animation or “freeze” it in place for a statue. Or maybe how to keep your statue anchored while moving. Hope this helps.

I’m trying to keep the humanoid anchored while at a specific pose

Okay, then you should be able to just set their HumanoidRootPart anchored and everything else unanchored. Then just use the KeyframeMarker example above I gave. You’ll just click “Add KeyframeMarker” or something similar in the Roblox Animation Editor and make sure the KeyframeMarker is at the pose you desire (but don’t put the KeyframeMarker at the last sequence or it won’t work).

Ok thanks I’ll try it for myself!

For me, the easiest animation plugins would be the default one, it is really simple to do but lack of features. Moon animation, however, is great for animating since it has a lot of cool stuff such as camera manipulation or animating parts. And yes, I agree that it is hard to use in the first place. But, after like 2 weeks of using Moon animation, I found it super easy. So keep discovering new stuff in that plugins or maybe watch some tutorials about it, if you don’t like it well, I’m sorry, there are only 2 animation plugins in Roblox (I think).

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I second this. Moon Animation is amazing. It’s just like using the one by Roblox. But better.

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I find it rather confusing to use

I’d be happy to help you out if you want to give it a go! YouTube tutorials helped me the most.