Do you know how to make a Animation Plugin?

Am try to make animation plugin like moon animator but idk how Can some one help me ?


I think that is a huge project to start, but I just wanted to tell you good luck, and I cant wait to see your result in the future!


For this you need to first understand how the adornment instances I think are called workks in roblox and you need to understand and observe how roblox saves its animation. Utilizing the things I said you just need to interpolate them. It indeed is quite a big project, and we all are here to help you if you have issues. Just make a topic or ping me or someone else if you want help. I’ll respond maybe.

It’s good that you motivate OP but you’re not helping OP. Instead you can say:

“This is quite a hard project to start, As far as I am concerned, you need to first understand how Roblox saves its animations then you can make your own.”

If you don’t know this then it’s best to simply not respond.

Wow wow. Don’t get mad at me for it ahaha. I mean, if bro really wanna make an Animation Plugin, I think he should do it. If it wasn’t for people like him we wouldn’t have those plugins. If he thinks hes got the abilities to do it, then let him to it. I wished him good luck on it, and want I would love to see how far it goes, and if he can finish it. It’s a good training for him.

To me it didn’t sound like he doesn’t know “how Roblox saves its animations”, but more like he doesn’t know where to start.

Yea exactly, thats the point on where you should start. Roblox saves it’s animation in an instance (which I don’t know the name of) which have a children based on how the motor6ds are connected. So HRP → Torso ->> LA,RA,LL,RL,N. All of them have specific cframe values which OP can modify, and save.

I just want to know how to make timeline and keyframe​

Check Documentation

Already checking before i post this topic but i dont understand how it work

You might be interested in my TweenService editor which I ported from Roblox into Rojo 7. I ported it just for the sake of having a working fork of it but you could use this as a starting point since it is open-source.

Am so confused … there are alot modulescript

Basically I think first you should understand how easing and easing styles work. You can keep CFrames vectors and numbers with a alpha value to get the smoothing effect. Run it in a heartbeat loop and every frame compare the Delta of the animation file to the current frames delta time and with that get the alpha value between previous and next frame where you can get the number that you can use to update the animation. It’s preety complicated so I suggest you learn easing first