Do you like my creation of a dog?

I’m working on a game and am putting pets. Game still in development. Here is the pic:

Soon I will make it follow players but I didn’t do it yet.


That’s a very cute pet, great job!


It’s so cute! I just think you should make the eyes less glossy.

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It’s sweet. Dogs are usually not built like this and the gloss makes him look blind. Nevertheless, good job

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I edited the dog a bit here is the new pic SharedScereenshot


the quality looks worse in this

I like the dog you made, what is the name of the game? I would like to check it out when it is finished.

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Wow, its really adorable by one look at the picture though…

Nice work!:+1:

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It honestly looks better than something I would make.

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Cute dog! Although, the eyes are slightly more to the right from where I’m seeing it(maybe it’s the angle).

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